上传时间: 2012-02-27
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American Westward Movement (19th Century) 西进运动 to develop the west and make economy prosper Skimming Part 1 Part 2 (1) (2 -5) The cause and the beginning of the journey The journey Reaching the promised land (The end of the journey) Part 3 (6) a journey from the east of America to the west (California) theme east west Central America four states mountains desert Salt Lake Valley death valley Detailed reading (task 1) set off for the journey entered the desert and lost the way travel in the Death Valley reached the promised land continued the journey westward First destination (Indian Greek, Kansas) Careful-reading 1.The reason why my father wanted to go to California is that ____________________________________________________ California was a wonderful land described in a book 2.People moving to the west would mee