上传时间: 2012-02-27
上传者: root
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文件大小: 152KB
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devoted / loyal brave smart tough persevering a story of eight dogs happening in Antarctic The Call of the Wild 野性的呼唤 By Jack London Buck 1925, Nome Diphtheria (If untreated,…) vaccine prevent a catastrophe Anchorage deliver… to the sea…, while the … planes… the only way … a relay of … by train a relay of dog teams How far was the distance? How many dogs took part in the relay? How long did it take? 674miles 20 5 days It took…… to cover a distance of… What difficulty were they faced with? snow storms, extremely low temperature What has been done in honor of the dog heroes? anniversary The Anchorage-to-Nome dog sled race 安克雷奇-诺姆狗拉雪橇赛 A bronze sculpture was placed in New Y