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2013-2014深圳市龙岗区初中英语七年级上Unit8 Collecting things单元测试题

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 2013-2014深圳市龙岗区初中英语七年级上Units 8 Collecting things单元测试题

1. Next week, I will __________ (采访) Zhang Ziyi about her success.
2. It took him a whole day to finish making a ____________(模型) plane.
3. --- I like collecting ____________ (邮票). What’s your hobby?
  --- I like collecting beautiful cards.
4. My grandmother has a lot of ____________ (银色的) bells.
5. I hope you’re taking good care of my ___________(孙女).
6. I rang the d__________ but no one came to open the door for me.
7. Bring the flowers I _________. It’s cold outside at night.
8. I looked for Jenny e_________, but I didn’t find her.
9. There is plenty of s__________ in the room. Come in and sit here. 
10. Many old people like reading n____________.
11. 我对历史很感兴趣。
    I'm very _________ _________ history.
    Mona Lisa is a great ________ _______ ________.
13. 在圣诞节,人们喜欢在起居室内摆一棵圣诞树。
    People like to have a Christmas tree in the _______ _________ at Christmas.
14. 这只是在浪费时间。
    It is just ________ _______ ________ ________.
15. 他走进这个房子,发现里面有很多玩具。
He ________ _______ the house and found there were many toys in it.
III. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)
(   ) 16. My mother will come back home soon.
A. slowly B. in a long time    C. quietly D. in a short time
(   ) 17. The old man goes to see his grandson twice a week.
A. san B. son or daughter’s son   C. cousin D. son’s mother
(   ) 18. Too much sweet food is bad for your teeth.
A. is different from B. isn’t good for   C. is good at D. is far away from
(   ) 19. The room can hold over 100 people.
A. just B. about   C. less than D. more than
(   ) 20. I am free this week, so you can ask me to go out.
A. is unusual B. feel tired   C. have time         D. feel happy
(   ) 21. There are a lot of flowers _________ my classroom.
A. at B. under   C. in front of           D. above
(   ) 22. --- We ________ but the piano didn’t move.
        --- It is too heavy. You can ask your father for help.
A. pushed and pushed B. blew and blew   C. kicked and kicked   D. talked and talked
(   ) 23. --- Excuse me. I come to meet Mrs White.   --- OK. _________ me. I'll take you there.
A. Protect B. Catch    C. Leave D. Follow
(   ) 24. Is that you, Lynn? You changed so much. I can _______ recognize (认出) you.
A. really B. probably    C. hardly           D. actually
(   ) 25. --- I don’t know which coat I _______ buy. Can you give me some advice?
--- The yellow one looks good on you.
A. could     B. may    C. must D. should
(   ) 26. --- What's your father's idea about this?
--- I don't know. He didn’t say _______ about it.
A. something B. anything    C. everything D. nothing    
(   ) 27. Ten years _______, the river was clean. But now, the river is so dirty.
A. ago     B. before    C. often           D. later  
(   ) 28. He ______ the book _______ me yesterday.
A. send; to B. sent; to    C. send; on D. sent; on
(   ) 29. --- Hi, Peter! Is this your box or Tina’s?    --- It’s mine, not ___________.
A. her     B. him   C. his   D. hers
(   ) 30. --- I’m talking to you, Tim. Please listen to ________ carefully.   --- OK, I will.
A. me        B. mine    C. you         D. yours
It’s our good friend Jenny's 13th birthday. We really wanted to ___31___ her. Unluckily, Jenny’s birthday was on Tuesday, and we ___32___ on that day. So we decided to hold a little birthday party ___33___ her in the morning, just in her room. Jenny was in the school 34 team. She usually practices volleyball before school starts every morning. Even so, we decided to do it. So, Tina and I went to a store and bought ___35___ balloons with different animals on them. We __36__  bought a big birthday cake, 13 candles and some flow5ers. Then, we got into her room with the balloons, flowers, candles ___37___ the birthday cake. When Jenny came into her room, we went up __38__ and sang “happy birthday” to her. Jenny was so surprised and __39__. She made a wish and blew out the candles. After that, we gave her our gifts and ate the cake together. We laughed and __40__ the food until we had to leave for class. Jenny said it was the best birthday party ever.
(   ) 31. A. make   B. call            C. know   D. surprise
(   ) 32. A. played games   B. went to the park  C. had classes         D. played the guitar
(   ) 33. A. for     B. to             C. from   D. with
(   ) 34. A. ping-pong     B. volleyball       C. football             D. basketball
(   ) 35. A. some   B. any            C. few     D. little
(   ) 36. A. too     B. also            C. either   D. as well
(   ) 37. A. but B. so             C. and   D. because
(   ) 38. A. early         B. luckily         C. carefully         D. quickly
(   ) 39. A. tired   B. busy           C. happy D. free
(   ) 40. A. liked          B. hoped          C. thought           D. enjoyed
I like swimming very much. My father taught me how to swim when I was five years old. Last    summer my two brothers and I spent the summer holidays with my uncle and aunt in their house
by the sea. It was only thirty metres from the water. Every day we put on our swimming trunks after breakfast, then we ran down towards the sea and jumped into it. We had a very good time in the water. When our aunt rang a bell, we went back to the house for some snacks. But we ate them in our swimming trunks and were soon back in the sea again.
    The water was warm, and the sunshine was bright every day. The wind always began to blow in the afternoon, but it was not strong. It made big waves in the sea. But we were all good swimmers, we didn't stop swimming until we were tired and hungry.
(   ) 41. The writer began to learn swimming at the age of _______.
A. four   B. five  C. six D. seven
(   ) 42. What do the underlined words “swimming trunks” mean in Chinese?
A.泳镜     B.泳帽   C.泳裤 D.游泳图
(   ) 43. How far is the house from the sea?  .
A. 20 metres.    B. 30 metres.   C. 15 metres.       D. 35 metres.
(   ) 44. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The writer loves swimming very much.
B. Their uncle and aunt lived in a house far from the sea. 
C. They ate snacks in their swimming trunks. 
D. They are all good at swimming.
(   ) 45. What does the underlined word “it” refer to?
A. The wind.     B. The wave.   C. The sunshine.       D. The bell.
VI.用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。 (每小题1分,一共10分)
46. Write a few ____________ (sentence) about the animals.
47. Let’s ____________ (make) some food for our mother.
48. Sam has a lot of homework _____________ (do).
49. What’s wrong with you? Is there anything __________ (usual)?
50. What’s your opinion about ____________ (cut) down the trees?
51. Her new book is a ___________ (collect) of short stories.
52. Who was the first person __________ (sail) across the Pacific?
53. ___________ (ride) bikes to school is green and healthy.
54. It’s important for us __________ (learn) English well.
55. There are some ___________ (place) of interest in Guangzhou. 
参考答案I. 1. interview 2. model 3. stamps 4. silver 5. granddaughter 6. doorbell 7. inside 8. everywhere 9. space 10. newspapers
II. 11. interested in 12. work of art 13. living room 14. a waste of time 15. went inside
III. 16-20 DBBDC  21-25 CADCD  26-30 BABDA
IV. 31-35 DCABA   36 -40 BCDCD 
V. 41-45 BCBBA 
VI. 46. sentences 47. make 48. to do 49. unusual  50. cutting 51. collection 52. to sail 53. Riding 54. to learn 55. places
My hobby is collecting stamps. I have many kinds of stamps. How do I get them? First, I save the money to buy stamps from the shop. Second, my parents bring me stamps from many countries of the world. Third, I have friends who send me stamps in return for the ones which I send to them. In this way, my collection becomes larger and larger. Each stamp has a story and you can learn a lot from it.
1. 确定时态,应使用一般现在时进行写作;
2. 书写正文时,要围绕提示内容展开,不可遗漏要点;
3. 短文完成之后,要通读全文,检查语法是否正确、要点是否齐全。


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