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7B Unit7 Abilities 单元测试(2)

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 初一英语第十五周周末自编练习Unit 7

1. The doctor tried his best to __________ the little boy.
2. It was too late, Li Ming _____(run quickly) into the classroom this morning.
3. She is a very _____________(勇敢的) little girl.
4. Mrs. Sun’s left leg was ___________(严重地) hurt and she couldn’t walk.
5. How much money did you __________( collect) for project Hope?
6. Most of the people have different _________(能力).
7. Jim was at home ________(without any other people). His parents were out.
8.We should __________ / pr??tekt/ the wild animals which are in danger.
9. It is not safe for such a small child to swim ________(单独) in the river.
10. There is no________ without fire.
11. I can’t finish the work in two hours __________(by oneself).
12. Mother dogs will do everything to ___________(keep someone safe from danger) their babies when they meet danger.
13. In our school , every student has some _________(笔记本).
14. Do you have the __________ / ??b?l?ti /to keep yourself safe in the earth?
/ she  south  ninety  danger  slow/
1. Sometimes fire can be very ___________. 
2. No one teaches Li Lei English. He learns it by ___________.
3. She is a new driver, so she drives very ______________.
4. His new flat lies in the __________part of the town. His family will move there next week.
5. Next week it will be his grandfather’s ____________ birthday.
6. Yesterday Simon fell off his bike and was _________ hurt.
7. My aunt is a __________ in China Daily(中国日报).
8. She is a ________ girl, and she does her homework _____________.
9. Children should not play with __________. It’s dangerous.
10. ---Whose shoes are they? ---- They are one of the __________.
11. On March the ___________, we often plant trees.
(     ) 1. When I was walking in the street, I heard someone __ “ Fire! Fire!”
         A. shouted    B. to shout   C. shouts   D. shouting 
(     ) 2. Excuse me, could you please _________ that cigarette(香烟).
         A. put on   B. put off   C. put out   D. put up 
(     ) 3. I didn’t have time to __________. Mrs. Sun needed my help.
         A. think for   B. think about   C. think to   D. think up
(     ) 4. Fire may be very dangerous if we are not________________.
A. enough carefully B. carefully enough C. careful enough D. enough careful
(     ) 5. A ______ girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her disabled(残疾的) father.
  A. three-year-old   B. three-years-old C. three years old D. three-year old.
(     ) 6. ----Where is the sick boy? --- He is ___________.
 A. on the hospital   B. in hospital   C. at the hospital  D. live hospital
(     ) 7. Don’t pour water _________ his jacket.
       A. over   B. in   C. through   D. above 
(     ) 8. The teacher told the children , “ It’s important _______ careful ______ the fire.
         A. to be ; with   B. is ; with   C. being ; with   D. to be ; to
(     ) 9. Don’t put _________ into the rubbish bin.
 A. something hot   B. hot something   C. anything hot   D. hot anything
(     ) 10. Wood catches fire easily, so _______ fire.
         A. keep it away from     B. don’t keep it away from    
C. keep it away D. don’t keep it away
(     ) 11.I could not ______ out because I ________ my leg.
        A. get ; hurt   B. get ; hurted   C. got ; hurt   D. got ; hurted 
(    )1 2. The teacher told the children, “ It’s important __________ careful _______fire.
        A. to be ; with   B. is ; with  C. being ; with   D. to be ; to 
(    )1 3.Eric saved ________ girl from the lake last night.
        A. an eleven-years- old       B. a eleven-year-old
        C. an eleven-year-old        D. a eleven-years-old
(    )1 4. “__________!” the girl called when she fell into the river.
        A. Come on  B. Help   C. SOS   D. Save
(    )1 5. When I walked past his house, I heard him _______ in his room.
        A. to sing   B. sang   C. sings   D. singing
(    )1 6. When there is a fire, we can ________ with a blanket.
        A. put off it   B. put it out   C. put out it   D. put it off
(    ) 17. We enjoyed our _________ spring holiday in Nanjing.
        A. ten-day   B. ten day   C. ten day’s   D. ten-days
(    )1 8. When there is a fire, we can _______ with a blanket.
        A. put off it   B. put it out    C. put out it   D. put it off
(    ) 19. If there is a bike, we ______ get there on time.
   A. will able to  B. will be able to   C. can be able to  D. can able to
(    ) 20. --- You dance so well. Can you teach me on weekends? ----___________.
   A. Never mind   B. No problem   C. That’s all right  D. That’s OK
1. He put the bag on the desk and left.(改为一般疑问句)
  ________ he ________ the bag on the desk and __________?
2. Lin Tao stayed in Beijing for two months.(划线部分提问)
  _________ _________ _________ Lin Tao __________ in Beijing?
3. Andy does her best to learn her lessons.(改为否定句)
  Andy ________ _________ her best to learn her lessons.
4. There is only one piano in the Music Club. (划线部分提问)
  _________ ___________ _________ _________ there in the Music Club?
5. Lin Tao was sp brave that he saved his neighbour from a fire.(同义句)
  Lin Tao was ________ ________ __________ _________ his neighbour from a fire.
6. He poured water over his clothes to protect himself.(改为否定句)
  He _______ _________ water over his clothes to protect himself.
7. He put out the fire with wet blanket.(改为一般疑问句)
  ________ he ________ out the fire with a wet blanket?
8. He stayed in hospital after the fire for two month.(划线部分提问)
  ____________ _________ did he stay in hospital after the fire?
9. He is an eleven-year-old boy.(同义句)
  The boy is _________ ________ ___________.
10. He helped his neighbour out of a fire.(划线部分提问)
  _________ _________ he _________ out of a fire?
11.Our school is beautiful.(改为感叹句)
                        our school is!
12.Our English teacher can dance very well.(改为否定句)
 Our English teacher                       very well.
    There is a piece of important news in today’s newspaper. There was a big f__1___ in a big shopping mall of a big city. It is a holiday, so many people are s___2_____ in the shopping mall. There was a lot of s___3____ in it. Many people are very afraid. Some people shouted, “ Help! Help!” Some people shouted, “ Fire! Fire!” and ran o____4___. A few minutes later a lot of firemen came. They r___5___into the shopping mall and s___6____people. At l____7____ these firemen p___8_____ out the fire. But some firemen were in h____9_____ because the fire b__10_____ their necks, arms and faces. They were hurt. Many people went to the hospital and said “ Thank you!” to them.
1. ______ 2. _________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. _________
6. ______ 7. _____ ___ 8. __________ 9. ___________ 10. ________
     Two friends were walking through a forest. One said to the other, “ If any beast(野兽) comes at you, I’ll always stay and help you.” The other said, “ That’s fine. I’ll do that too.”
     They walked on. Suddenly a big bear ran out from a tree behind. One man at once climbed up a tree quickly. The other man was a little fat. He couldn’t climb up the tree. So he threw himself on the ground, closed his eyes and pretended(假装) to be dead.
     The bear came up and sniffed(嗅) at the fat man’s head. It put its nose close to his mouth and ears. The man held his breath(屏住呼吸). The bear thought he was dead and walked away because bears never eat dead(死的) men.
     When the bear was gone, the man in the tree came down. With a smile, he said to the fat man, “ Why didn’t the bear hurt you? What did the bear tell you when it puts its mouth so close to your ears?” “Well,” said the man, “ the bear told me not to trust(相信) you again. A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
1. What did the two men say to each other at the beginning?________________________
2. Why did the fat man hold his breath when the bear came to him?__________________
3. Did the bear really say anything to the fat man?________________________________
4. Why did the fat man say those words to the other man at last?_____________________
5. What does the last sentence(句子) mean in Chinese?____________________________
1一个勇敢的男孩                     2跑到外面去________________________
3在隔壁                             4保护他自己________________________
5冲进厨房里                         6许多烟____________________________
7需要你的帮助                       8担心火___________________________
9把水倒在她的衣服上                 10一个八岁的女孩___________________


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