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测试内容:Unit 1
测试时间: 90分钟    测试总分: 100分


1.I         (呆,停留)at home last Sunday.  
2.Where did Tina go           (度假)?
3.She                   (去爬山)last weekend.   
4.Tom went to            (夏令营) with his brother.
5. Did you go           (某些地方)interesting?
1. The little boy       (buy ) a present for his parents yesterday.
2.They       (have) a party yesterday.
3.I       (study) for a math test last night.
4.Look,the boys            (play) basketball.
5.What about       (go) to the movie?
(   )1. ______ you busy last week?       A . Are           B. Was         C. Were     D. Do
(   )2. "________you _______football yesterday?""Yes, I did."
       A.Are, playing????????? B. Were , played???????? C.Do , play???????? D. Did, play (   ) 3. Did you do               last weekend?
A. something interesting   B. anything interesting
C. interesting something   D. interesting anything
(   )4.Did everyone  ____________?
A. have a time    B. have a good time    C. have happy D. had a good time
(   )5.—How was your vacation?  —____________.
A. It’s nothing.      B. It was relaxing. C. It tastes good. D. Not really
(   )6.-What did you do last weekend? –I       planes.
A. makes  B. made  C. making  D. is making
(   )7.Tom       play computer games       last night.
A. wasn’t; on  B. didn’t; on  C. doesn’t; in  D. didn’t; /
 (   ) 8.There are similar shows around the world, ______China’s Got Talent.
A.as for?   B.such as  C.so on  D. up to
(   ) 9.He enjoyed        the guitar yesterday.
A. playing  B. to play  C. played  D. plays
(   ) 10.I ______ I was a bird.
A.feel like? B.feeled like C.felt like D.feeling like
Mr. Johnson had a factory. He once    1    on TV that animal could be taught to    2    some work for people if they were given    3    to eat. He loved the idea. He thought it would be    4    to have a dog look after his    5   , and an elephant do some heavy jobs    6    his factory. He bought a dog    7    an elephant in the market and decided to teach them to do some work for him. Of course he    8    bought a lot of  food for them. Several months later ,the dog and the elephant    9    fatter and fatter, but they   10    do any work for him. At last, Mr. Johnson had to give up.
(   ) 1. A. saw           B.  asked        C. met        D. want
(   ) 2. A. make        B. do         C. let         D. did
(   ) 3. A. someone     B. nothing     C. something   D. anyone
(   ) 4. A. bad         B. good        C. late        D. worse
(   ) 5. A. house       B. shirt        C. eyes        D. mouth
(   ) 6. A. in          B. above       C. under       D. on
(   ) 7. A. but         B. and         C. or          D. on
(   ) 8. A. also        B. never        C. yet         D. or
(   ) 9. A. smelt       B. sounded     C. became      D. feel
(   ) 10. mustn’t       B. couldn’t     C. shouldn’t     D. never
I’m Jim, last summer my parents and I went to America by planeon vacation. We had a good time there. We stay in Washington, DC for three days. I took many photos.
We visited the White House on the second day. The White House is really white. People paint it every year. There is beautiful grass all around it. There are many rooms in the White House. Some are named after the colors-the Red Room, the Blue Room and the Green Room. We didn’t see all the parts of the White House. I didn’t see the president, either. The White House is like a great museum. There are many things about history in it. Don’t you want to visit it?
 (   ) 1. Who did Jim go to America with?
  A. Motter           B. Father        C. No one      D. Mother and father
(   ) 2. How long did Jim spend in Washington, DC?
  A. Two days           B. Three days      C. A week     D. A month
(   ) 3.What can you learn from this passage?         Visited White House.
  A. Only Jim visited the White House.     B. The people paint the White House every month.
  C. On the second day Jim visited the White House.  D. The White House is colorful.
(   ) 4. What is the White House like?
  A. It is like a big house.   B. It is like a big tower(塔).
C. I like it very much.     D. It is like a museum.
(   ) 5.Which sentence is RIGHT?
 A. They went there by bus.
 B. There are the Red Room, the Blue Room and the Green Room in the White House.
 C. We see all the parts of the White House, and it is very beautiful.
D. I also saw the president that day.
Some years ago there was an old woman. She had no children because she did not like children at all. But she loved cats. She had mother cats and baby cats. She had black cats and white cats. The children in the neighborhood came to her house to play with the cats. More and more cats came to the old woman’s house. There were too many cats. The old woman couldn’t(不能) feed them all. Then she had an idea(主意). “The children love my cats,” she thought(想). So she gave each child a cat. Then she was very happy. And the children were very happy, too. And the cats were pleased, too, because they each had a room.
(   ) 6. The old woman didn’t like       .
A. old cats   B. baby cats   C. old people   D. children
(   ) 7. Why did the children come to the woman’s house?
A. To look at her house.  B. To help the old woman.  C. To play with the cats.  D. To buy young cats.
(   ) 8. The word “feed” in the passage means       .
A. give food to  B. look after   C. live with   D. play games
 (   ) 9. The woman gave each child a cat because       .
A. the children liked the cats    B. she couldn’t feed so many cats
C. more cats came to her house  D. children came to her house very day
(   ) 10. Finally (最后) the woman       .
A. began to love children                  B. give some her cats to children
C. bought enough food for the children’s cats   D. could get enough food for the cats in her house
1. He studied for the English test yesterday evening. (就划线部分提问)
  ________ ________  he          yesterday evening?
2. The young man has a busy weekend every week.(用last week改写句子)
The young man  _________ a busy weekend________ ________.
3.The boy wants to do nothing(改为同义句)
  The boy doesn’t want to do         .
4. I saw something special last night.(改为一般疑问句)
  ______you ______ anything special last night?
5. The food in Yunnan tasted really good! (就划线部分提问)
_______           the food in Yunnan?
 _________? _________you go _________? _________last year? 2、昨天天气晴朗,但有点冷。
The weather_________?? _________but _________? ________cold yesterday. 3、“你假期过得怎么样?”
"_________  ______your vacation?"
They__________  ________? _______to the movies. 5. 在北京,我们学到了一些重要的知识。
We ______? _______? ________ in Beijing.
Where did you go?
How was your vacation?
Did you go shopping?
How were the stores?
How was the food?

A: Hi,    1             
B: It was great!
A:  2   
B: I went to Tokyo with my family.
A:   3  
B: Yeah, I did.
A:   4  
B: Oh, they were expensive.
A: And how were the people?
B: Yeah, the people were really friendly. And we had dinner at their house.
A:   5  
B: It was delicious. I love Japanese food!
1._____   2.______   3.______   4._______   5._______
IX. 书面表达。(10分)
1.Where did you go ?       2.How was the weather ?         3.How was the food there ?
4.What did you like best ?   5.What did you do every day ?     6.How did you feel about the trip ?
提示词:the Great Wall  (长城)  the Palace Museum(故宫) Tian’anmen Square (天安门广场)



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