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一.选择填空?(每小题1分,共35分) (?? ?)1?—?______?do?you?go?to?the?movies??????—Once?a?month. A.?How?long???B.?how?often???C.?How?far???D how
?(?  ??)?2 . ----I’ll?go?fishing?with?my?best?friend?this?weekend.
?---______. A.?Can’t?you?fish?????????????B.?That’s?very?kind?of?you??C.?What?about?more?fish???????D.?Have?a?good?time. (    ) 3.— What do you think of the film?
— _____________
A. It’s right.       B. That’s all right.   C. It’s great.       D. That’s nothing. (   ??)?4.?Anna’s  hair is longer than       A.?me ???  B.?I??   ?C. ?my     D  mine (?  ??)?5.On?Sundays,?I?want?to?do?________. A.?different?something ???B.?something?different? C. anything?different ????D different anything (???  )?6.she?is?as_________?as?Lucy.      A.?tall???????????????B.?taller????????????C.?tallest     Dhigh
(  )7. I like English very much, so I______ listen to the tape in the morning.
A. usually      B. hardly ever     C. never   D ever (   ) 8. The teacher asked us ______so much noise.
A .don’t make   B. not make   C. not making   D .not to make (?   ??)?9.?He?often?makes?us?__________.
A.?laugh????B.?to?laugh???????C.?laughing    D laughed
(  )10._______?milk?is?________?your?health.      A.?Drinking,?good?for???B.?Drink,?good?at      C.?Drinking,?good?at????D.?Drinking,?good?to ? (    )11.He except         a dentist one day
A be   B to be  C being  D is
(   )12. --- How  about _________ a walk after dinner?  --- That sounds good.
  A. taking                B. to take                C. take                D. took
(  )13.He has            ,so his house        ..
A.enough money ,big enough B money eough ,big enough C.enough money.enough big. D.money enough,enough big
(  )14.He knows       English,but he can say       English words.
A.few,little B a few   a little C little   a few D.a little, a few

(  )15. Thanks a lot for  _______ me to join you.
       A. ask      B. asked    C. asking  D to ask (??  ?)16..-–Would?you?like?to?go?to?see?a?film?with?me? ???--?I’d?love?to,?_________?I?have?an?exam?tomorrow.? ???A.?and????????B.?so?????????C.?but??????????D.?as? ?(???  )?17.?Of all boys, Tom is         
A popular  B more popular  C most  popular  D the most popular
?(?   ??)?18.?---Do you mind my           the window?
        ---NO, it’s too hot
A opean   B opeaning   C close    D closing
(   )19. What _________exciting news! We are all very excited about it.
       A. a     B. an    C. the    D. /
(   )20. Can you ________when the train will arrive?
       A. look    B. look at    C. find    D. find out
(   )21. Hi, Jean! You look unhappy. ____________?
       A. What did you happen    B. What you happened 
C. What happened to you   D. Did you happen what
(   )22. I didn’t expect ________anything enjoyable at all.
       A. saw    B. see    C. seeing    D. to see
(   )23. Walt Disney was famous _______his cartoons.
       A. like    B. as    C. at    D. for
(   )24. I don’t mind _________soap operas.
       A. watch    B. to watch    C. watching    D. watched
(   )25. We waited an hour for Jack, but he didn’t ________.
      A. appear    B. get    C. arrived    D. come out
(   )26. His new book ________last weekend.
       A. came out    B. came up    C. came in    D. came to
(   )27. It’s cold outside. You’d better _________more clothes.
       A. put on    B. wear    C. dress    D. dress up
(   )28. In summer, we should ________cool clothes.
        A. put on    B. wear    C. dress    D. dress up
(   )29. She ________and went to the party.
       A. wore    B. put on    C. dressed    D. dressed up
(   )30. She learns a lot _________the educational movie.
       A. in    B. at    C. to    D. from
(   )31. You can ask me ________question at ________time.
       A. some, some    B. some, any    C. any, some    D. any, any
(   )32. Great changes happened in China _________.
       A. in the 1980s    B. in the 1980    C. in 1980s    D. on the 1980
(   )33. They arrived ________Beijing _________the morning of May 10.
  A. at, in    B. at, on    C. in, in    D. in, on
(   )34. _________July 12,2009, he went to Shanghai for the first time _________a plane.
       A. On, on    B. On, by    C. In,  on    D. In, by
(   )35. Don’t worry. I’ll try my best ________you.
A. help    B. helping    C. helps    D. to help
1. He went to see a film last night( 改为一般疑问句)
       he       to see a film last night.
2.My father exercises every day.(划线部分提问)
                                 He exercise?
3. Tara is 13 years old , Anna is 15 years old.(合为一句)
Tara is                                        than Anna.
4.Blue hat is 6 yuan ,green hat is 9 yuan ,the pink hat is 12 yuan (同义句)
The pink hat is                                 of all.
5.What do you think of the movie? (同义句)
          do you           the movie?
6.She likes sitcoms because it’s funny. (划线部分提问)
                   she like sitcoms?
7. I hope I can have more time to relax.        
 I hope _________ _________ more time to relax.
open find 、tell、watch、read、study、help 、plan
 1.Thanks for          me the information.
2.He is much better than others at           the most interesting roles.
3.It’s always interesting         people show their talents.
4.Americans enjoy              to do things before doing them.
5.He finished          the novel yesterday.
6.Our teachers expect us              harder and harder.
7.Do you mind            the window?It's too hot in the room.
8..He was always ready _______ others before.  He was friendly.

Most American families like to have a _1_____in summer. Summer is a good season for vacation. It is often hot in July and August.
   Children do not go to school in those two months. Some people like to 2_____ at home, read books, or 3____ TV. Many 4_____ take their lunch to eat at a place with many trees or a nice lake. Some people have _6____time and money to travel to other _5_____like France, Japan and Australia. They usually fly to these countries. Many families travel by_7___ or train to see 8____ places in their own countries. Their 9______ cities are New York, Chicago, Miami, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
   Not everyone likes to go to busy cities. Some families travel to 10_______or beautiful valleys.
Last Sunday evening, I went to town with my mother. After we bought lots of things, we went out the supermarket and found it was raining hard. But we had no umbrella. Just when we were trying to get into a taxi(出租车), a strange old man came up to us. He was carrying a nice umbrella and he said he would give the umbrella to us for one dollar. He said he lost his wallet(钱包) and needed some money to take a taxi to go back home.
My mother didn’t believe what he said at first, and asked him a lot of questions and then gave him a dollar. But the man didn’t get into a taxi. We followed him and found he went into a club and bought himself a glass of whiskey(威士忌)with the dollar. After he drank it, he put on his hat and took one of the many wet umbrellas there and went off with the new one. Soon after that, he sold it again.
(   ) 1.What’s the weather like that day?
A. It was windy.               B. It was sunny.            C. It was rainy.
(   ) 2.In fact, the old man wanted to get money to ______.
A. buy a wallet               B. buy some whiskey        C. buy an umbrella
(   ) 3.The old man got ______ from the writer’s mother.
A. one yuan                   B. one dollar                C. two dollars
(   ) 4.From the passage, we can know that the old man was ______.
A. not honest                   B. friendly                    C. helpful
(   ) 5.The underlined word “strange” means ______ in Chinese.
A. 可怜的                   B. 喝醉的                    C. 陌生的
action movie
scary movie


We did a survey about kinds of movies in our class. Here are the results.



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