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  1. (   ) A. quietly       B. quiet         C. quick
  2. (   ) A. usually       B. never        C. always
  3. (   ) A. first          B. next         C. then
  4. (   ) A. quickly       B. slowly        C. loudly
  5. (   ) A. must         B. mustn’t       C. needn’t
  6. (   ) A. why          B. right         C. land
  7. (   ) A. drop          B. pick         C. shout
  8. (   ) A. lady          B. carry         C. lose
  9. (   ) A. smell         B. smoke        C. break
  10.(   )A. someone      B. something     C. everyone
  1. (   ) A. talk quietly    B. talk loudly       C. walk quickly
  2. (   ) A. walk slowly    B. listen carefully   C. line up
  3. (   ) A. have a fever    B. have a cold      C. have a headache
  4. (   ) A. go to hospital   B. go to a hospital  C. go to the hospital
  5. (   ) A. fire drill       B. follow me       C. be quiet
  6. (   ) A. drop a bag     B. pick it up        C. see a fire
  7. (   ) A. carried it      B. smelled smoke    C. shouted for help
8. (   ) A. lost my wallet     B. found it     C. gave it to the police
  9. (   ) A. crossed the street   B. gave him medicine
         C. made lunch for him
  10. (   ) A. went to bed    B. hung up his clothes   C. read quietly
  1. (   ) A. We’re going to go to the library.
         B. We’re going to go to the cinema.
         C. We’re going to go to the swimming pool.
  2. (   ) A. We usually talk quietly at the library.
         B. We usually walk slowly at the swimming pool.
         C. We usually listen carefully at the cinema.
  3. (   ) A. You mustn’t play at the museum.
         B. You must talk quietly in the hospital.
         C. You must push it.
  4. (   ) A. Sometimes we need to line up.
         B. We never talk loudly at the cinema.
         C. We’re going to learn lots of things.
  5. (   ) A. You must be twelve years old.
         B. You mustn’t bring your dog here.
         C. You mustn’t eat or drink on the bus.
  6. (   ) A. You must walk quickly down the stairs.
         B. You mustn’t take your schoolbag.
         C. You must line up quietly in the playground.
  7. (   ) A. There will be a fire drill this week.
         B. There’s a fire at our school.
         C. There was a party at our school.
  8. (   ) A. Let’s call 911 for help.       B. Let’s call 999 for help.
         C. Let’s call 119 for help.
  9. (   ) A. What happened?            B. What a day!
         C. What did you do?
 10. (   ) A. I helped someone today.
         B. I helped Katie today.
         C. I helped lots of people today.
  1. (   ) A. quiet        B. quickly       C. quietly
  2. (   ) A. mustn’t      B. must         C. needn’t
  3. (   ) A. go to the hospital     B. go to hospital
         C. the hospitals
  4. (   ) A. never        B. usually       C. always
  5. (   ) A. took         B. made        C. washed
  1. (   ) A. 你必须在马路上快走。
2. (   ) A. 她们在教室大声交谈。
  3. (   ) A. 你们禁止骑单车。
  4. (   ) A. 你们禁止在游泳池边快走。
  5. (   ) A. 我们经常去游泳池游泳。
         C. 我们有时需要排队。
  1. (   )  Can we talk to grandpa?
  2. (   )  We must look and listen carefully.
  3. (   )  We’ll take it to the school.
  4. (   )  You must be quick.
  5. (   )  I lost my wallet but someone found it.
(   ) A. I ran and shouted for help.
(   ) B. I picked up some apples.
(   ) C. I carried the bag for her.
(   ) D. Then I smelled smoke and saw a fire.
(   ) E. First, a lady dropped a bag.
  1. (   ) A. Where are you going?  B. What did you do?
         C. When do you get up?
  2. (   ) A. Yes, we can’t.          B. No, you mustn’t.
         C. No, I didn’t.
  3. (   ) A. What’s the matter with Grandma?
         B. What’s wrong with Grandpa?
         C. What’s the matter with you?
  4. (   ) A. Yes, I do.     B. No, I wasn’t     C. Yes, I did.
  5. (   ) A. Yes, there is   B. Yes, there was   C. Yes, there will.
  1. Sam _______ runs in the corridors.
  2. We _______ go swimming without adults(成人).
  3. We should listen _________ in class.
  4. I ________ a heavy box for an old man yesterday.
  5. I _______ some money on the ground.
  1. (   ) A. old       B. cold       C. smoke       D. lose
  2. (   ) A. dropped   B. helped     C. carried       D. looked
3. (   ) A. why      B. loudly      C. fifty         D. lady
  4. (   ) A. pair      B. near        C. chair        D. pear
1. We shouldn’t talk l________ at the cinema.
2. We should l_____ up when we are at the library.
3. My father t______ me to Lychee Park(荔枝公园) last weekend.
1. (   ) A. always    B. usually    C. talk       D. sometimes
2. (   ) A. quickly    B. lovely    C. really      D. quietly
3. (   ) A. colour     B. purple    C. pink       D. blue
4. (   ) A. helped     B. crossed   C. washed     D. lost
C. 选词填空,将正确答案的编号填在横线上。(5分)

1. Mr. Smith worked very hard but he was still very _______.
2. Candy is very _________ at home. She always _____ his parents.
   3. ---- Don’t be ______ for school again, Tom.
     ---- Sure, Miss Li. I’ll get up early.
   4. We _______ push or run in the corridors.
   1. (   ) I didn’t ______ TV last night. I _____ my homework.
     A. watch, do       B. watched, did        C. watch, did
2. (   ) Sam isn’t ______ in class. He should talk _______.
     A. quiet, quietly     B. quietly, quiet       C. quiet, quiet
   3. (   ) It’s time _________ school.
     A. to go            B. to go to           C. for go
   4. (   ) Can I play in the library? No, you ________.
     A. can’t            B. mustn’t           C. can
   5. (   ) There ___________ a fire drill next week.
     A. will be           B. will              C. is
   6. (   ) You mustn’t eat ______ drink on the bus.
     A. and              B. or               C. but
   7. (   ) A green light means “ ______”.
     A. stop              B. wait             C. go
   8. (   ) Miss Li dropped her glasses. I _______ for _____.
     A. picked it up, him             B. picked up them, her
     C. picked them up, her
   9. (   ) He never talks ______, he always listen _______.
     A. loudly, carefully    B. loudly, careful,     C. quietly, careful
  10. (   ) That day, a woman _____ the shoes ____ a lot of money.
     A. buy, with          B. bought, for        C. bought, with
   1. quick (副词) __________    2. carefully (形容词) _________
   3. loud (副词) ________       4. must not (缩写) _________
5. drop (过去式) _________    6. carry (过去式) __________
   7. lose (过去式) ________     8. find (过去式) __________
   9. give (过去式) _______      10. make (过去式) ________
五、看谁反应快(将正确选项的编号填入题前括号里) (6分)
   1. (   ) 如果你想建议别人拨打火警电话求救,可以说:______
A. Let’s call 119.     B. Let’s call 120.    C. Let’s call 122.
2. (   ) 如果你想称赞别人做得好,可以说:_______
 A. Thank you.        B. Good for you.    C. Bad for you.
3. (   ) 发生火灾的时候,我们应该怎样做?_____
 A. We should run and shout for help.
 B. We should take our things.
 C. We should take the lift(坐电梯).
4. (   ) 我们应该在课堂上认真听讲,可这样说:______
 A. We must talk quietly in class.
 B. We must walk slowly in the corridors.
 C. We must listen carefully in class.
5. (   ) 如果你要问别人发生什么事了,可这样问:_____
 A. What happened?       B. What did you do?
 C. Where are we going?
6. (   ) 你告诉别人我今天帮助了某个人,可这样说:______
 A. I helped everyone today.     B. I helped someone today.
 C. I helped something today.



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