上传时间: 2016-03-05
上传者: admin
星级: 四星级
文件大小: 152KB
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Period Five Lesson 4 Let's Dance
1.Did the medicine have any e________ on his disease?版权所有
2.There are thousands of a________ watching the play in the theatre today.
3.As a student,it is good for me to c________ learning with fun.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】
4.The manager often goes to the workshop to talk with the o________ workers.
5.I know two ________ (音乐家) who can play many different instruments.
6.I felt very ____________ (失望的) to hear what he had done.www.21-cn-jy.com
7.Mozart was one of the most famous ________ (钢琴家) in the world.
8.No one can enter the lab without ________ (许可).
9.The play was well __________ (表演) by the students.2·1·c·n·j·y
10.Their three __________ (代) live in the small flat.21**com
1.She ____________________ Peter.
2.I suggest he should ________ himself ________ his new conditions.
3.Why did she ________________ her family in this matter?
4.All his followers ________________ him