上传时间: 2012-03-04
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(广东开心英语)四年级下册教案 Unit 4 Review 1 课题 Unit4Review1 教 学 目 的 Review Unit One to Unit Three. 教材分析 重点 Review the new words and the new sentences. 难点 Review the language structures 教具及电化教学手段 Tape. 教学步骤、内容与方法 个性化设计 一、Warming up. 1. Sing some English songs. 2. Check the presentation of the class. 二、Presentation 1. Listen, read and circle. 1). Play A, then pause the tape and ask Ss to repeat. 2). Then ask Ss to circle the correct answer. 3). Continue with the rest of the pictures. 2. Read and match. 1). Let Ss read the words loudly. 2). Give Ss time to draw lines. 3). Check the answers with the whole class. 3. Look read and write. 1). Have Ss look at the picture and ask and answer in pairs. 2). Ask Ss to write down the answers. 4. Read and match. 1). Have Ss look at the words on the page. 2). Ask individual Ss to re