上传时间: 2012-03-04
上传者: root
星级: 四星级
文件大小: 152KB
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Unit 6 Shopping Lesson 12 To the Supermarket To the supermarket, To the supermarket, To buy a sweater and a jacket. To the supermarket, To the supermarket, To buy a football and a racket. To the supermarket, To the supermarket, To buy a robot and a basket. Question 1: Where are they? Question 2: How much are the goods(商品)? Question 3: What’s the meaning of “Here’s the money”? Question 4: What’s the meaning of “Here’s the change”? Answer: They are in the supermarket. Answer: Ninety-five yuan. Answer: 给你钱. Answer: 给你找的钱. Game: 谁最快 请每位同学拿出事先准备好的写有money 和 change 的两张纸片,全班起立,以小组为单位,每组的第一排左边位的同学说Here’s the money并将money纸片传给同桌,同桌接过纸片说Here’s the change,并将写有change的纸片给左边的同学,完成后坐下,以此类推,用时最少的小组获胜得分。 Picture 1: Can I help you, Madam? Yes, I need two fish. Picture 2: How much is it? It’s forty-eight yuan. Do you want one? Yes, please. Picture 3: How much is it? Thirty-eight yuan. Here’s the money. Thanks. Here’s the change, Bye!