上传时间: 2012-03-05
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文件大小: 152KB
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(人教新起点)四年级英语上册单元测试题 一 根据汉译补全单词。 1. cr__yon 2. sc_ss_ rs 3. __aper 4. g__ ue 蜡笔 剪刀 纸 胶水 5.P__n 6. in__ita_ion 7. __ut 8. d__aw 钢笔 邀请卡 切,剪 画 9.Fir_t 10. Part__ 首先 聚会 二 选择正确的应答,将标号填在括号内 (?? ) 1.what’s wrong , Bob???? A. Good morning, Ling Ling. (?? ) 2.Do you have scissors? ? B.I’m going to make an invitation. (?? ) 3.Happy Teachers, Day! ??? C. Goodbye. (?? ) 4. Good morning, Jim. D.My tummy hurts. (?? ) 5. Goodbye, Miss Li. E. Yes , I do . (?? ) 6.what are you going to F. Thank you . do for the party? ?? 三 选词填空 1._____ the classroom 2._________songs and dances 3._____an invitation 4._________a party 5._____your things ready 6. __________ Christmas 7.Happy ___________ Day 8. _______with your pens 9._____ do it together 10.