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(苏教牛津版)英语教案三年级下册 unit6 Unit 6????Review and check The first period Teaching Contents :Unit 1, Unit 2,Unit 3. Teaching Aims :Enable the Ss to understand and say 21 words .Enable the Ss to understand and use the communicative words .Raise the Ss interest to learn English . Teaching Steps : Step1??Warm up Sing songs: A B C song ,Family song . Say a rhyme : It’s his key . Step 2 Revision . 1.Things for school:复习文具类单词时,教师应充分利用学生桌面上的实物,以自由谈话的形式进行问答:What’s this /that in /on …?What’s this /that in English?It’s a /an … 2.Things in a room .Play a game :Think and guess .游戏规则:学生两人一组,一画一猜,要求能用简单的线条勾画出已学过的家用类物品的部分特征。另一位学生猜一猜对方画的是什么。e.g S1: What’s this? Guess ,please .?? S2:Is this a copybook ??? S1: No, it isn’t .?????? S2: Is this a storybook ?(This is a storybook ,I think )?????? S1: Yes ,it is .交换练习。 3.Family members .让学生自由组合成“家庭”,向同学们介绍各位成员:This is my grandfather/grandmother …各个“家庭”成员之间互相提问:???? e