上传时间: 2012-03-05
上传者: root
星级: 三星级
文件大小: 152KB
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The pig’s eyes are bigger than the rabbit’s. The pig is fatter than the monkey. taller shorter stronger bigger smaller fatter thinner heavier lighter longer Talk about the photo of the family. taller younger older shorter fatter thinner … …is than… Who is my friend? My friend is older/younger /shorter/taller stronger/thinner /fatter/heavier/lighter than… Your friend is… No, you’re wrong. Try again. Her/His… is/are longer/shorter/ bigger/smaller/ than… Your friend is… Yes, you are right. Guess numbers. 520744 9 836810 0 2 7 Whose telephone numbers are they? 83681009 52074427 fatter/thinner younger/older taller/shorter stronger/ braver smaller/bigger more beautiful Who is…,…or…? Whose…is/are…, …’s or…’s? 招聘守门员 Who will be a goalkeeper? I’ll be a goalkeeper. Why? I’m taller/stronger/ older/younger …than…