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PEP4 Unit6 PartB Let’s learn教学设计 -------温州市永嘉城南小学 周燕燕 教学目标 知识目标: 1、学生能听、说、认读四个词汇tomato, potato, carrot, cucumber。能听、说句子“We can get… from….”和“… is good for you because we can get … from…”并能在实际生活中运用。 2、能运用所学语言展开讨论,能根据听到、看到的语言帮助别人。 3、能运用所学语言进行表演。 能力目标:学生能基于生活经验进行观察,能基于语言经验进行表述,对相关的语言信息进行处理,提高解决问题的能力。 情感目标: 学生能小组合作,乐于与他人合作,在合作过程中积极发挥各自所长,互相帮助 2、学生能发挥观察力,积极思考,并能运用所学知识提取及摘录信息。提高运用语言的积极性,增强学习英语的信心。 教学重难点 重点:学生能听、说、认读四个词汇tomato, potato, carrot, cucumber。 难点:在适当的语境下运用句型We can get… from….” 和“… is good for you because we can get … from…” 课前准备 相关单词教学卡片 相关课件 板书设计: 教学步骤及说明 教学过程  设计意图  ↘热身(Warm-up)   1.Let’s sing An apple a day. 2.Guessing game: T: Let’s play a game. I have some words for you. From these words, think carefully, then you can guess a new word.(CAI: cow white and black milk)Do you think what can it be? Ss:cow. T: How about others?(CAI:\7:05 milk bread morning\eat hen KFC\ room picture draw\red juicy round vegetable.)Dead and discuss in four. What can it be? Ss: breakfast/ chicken/ art room/ tomato 歌曲中的旋律可以为下面的歌曲“A cucumber a day” 做一个很好的铺垫 这个游戏很好的开启了学生的思维。并自然引到新授词汇“tomato”  ↘呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice)   1. tomato T: red juicy round vegetable. Do you think what can it be? (课件出示tomato图片) (操练tomato-tomatoes) T: Look, tomato↑↓, tomato is …? Ss: Tomato↑↓, tomato is red. T: Look at these words, make a chant like this. (利用chant操练词汇tomato) 2. potato T: tomato (教师边拼边写) (Blackboard Design: tomato---pomato---potato) (引入新词potato--potatoes) T:. Tomato is vegetable, how about potatoes? Ss: Potato is vegetable, too. (操练potato) T: We can get French fries from potatoes. Chant: We can get↓ We can get↓ French fries from the potatoes. (集体操练,男女操练,小组操练) T: How about chips? Can you make a chant? (Invite you friends to chant together) Ss: Chant: We can get↓ We can get↓ French fries from potatoes. T: (chant转化为说话的语言) Ss: We can get French fries from the potatoes. We can get chips from the potatoes. T: How about tomatoes? What can we get? Discuss in group. Ss: (discuss) We can get … from the tomatoes. 3. carrot T: Can we get the juice from the tomato? Ss: Yes, we can get the juice from the tomato. T: Look carefully. Can we get the juice from the tomato?(在carrot juice的瓶子反面是tomato juice 的标签) (引入新词carrot) T: Here o is pronounced / /. So, who can spell? Ss: Spell is one by one. T: Say something about carrot. Ss: The carrot is…/ I’m a rabbit I like carrot….. 4.cucumber T: Do you like carrot? Ss: Yes, I like carrot. /No, I don’t like carrot T: Why? Ss: I like carrot because…./ I don’t like carrot because…. T: I don’t like carrot because carrot is yucky. But I eat carrot everyday because we can get VC from carrot? Do you know VC? Ss: T: It means Vitamin C. VC is good for our face. So, VC is good for you. VC is good for me. It is from carrot. So, we can say: Carrot is good for you because we can get VC from carrot. How about tomato and potato? Ss: Tomato/Potato is good for you because we can get VC from tomato/potato. T: Can we get Vc from any other things? Ss: We can get Vc from… T: I know we can get Vc from cucumber.(Blackboard Design: cumber--cucumber) (操练cucumber) T: Sing a song: A cucumber a day keeps the doctor away. A cucumber a day keeps the doctor away. A cucumber a day keeps the doctor away. La-la-la-la cucumber.(歌曲旋律同An apple a Day) Ss:全班唱,小组唱。 T: Cucumber can keeps the doctor away. We can get VC from cucumber. Cucumber is good for you. Do you want to know something more about the cucumber? Read the passage for us. (一个学生读,其他学生听然后回答问题) S: Cucumber is long, tender and green. Cucumber is good for your eyes, cucumber is good for your face, cucumber is good for you. We can get Vc from cucumber. Do you like cucumber? Why? T: Invite your friend to answer. S1: I like cucumber because….  自编chant生动,形象。又很好的展示了tomato的基本特征 音素的渗透,导入新词使学生快速掌握。 又是一个简单的chant,既操练了句型又操练的单词,并给予美的节奏。 学生根据自己的常识,说说We can get … from the tomato.。 因素的渗透,学生自主学习新词carrot. 给学生带来知识的拓宽。 Can we get Vc from any other things?从学生的知识水平出发,来拓宽学生的视野,又自然引出新单词。 歌曲简单,朗朗上口,又富有内涵。 培养学生听的能力,根据听到的信息回答问题。  ↘巩固(Consolidation)   Read the passage and finish the form. T: You know a lot about cucumber. How about other vegetables? Let’s read the passage and finish the form. (课件出示Tomato, potato, carrot and cucumber are vegetables. They are good for us. We can get VA from carrot, cucumber and tomato. We can get VB from carrot and tomato. We can get VC from carrot, potato, tomato and cucumber. We can get VB1 from potato and cucumberThey are our good friends.) Ss:学生边读边完成表格。表格如下 name  VC VA VB VB1  tomato      potato      carrot      cucumber       T: Let’s check. Ss: We can get… from…. 2.Give ideas to the fat man. T: We know so much about the vegetables. Now, please help my friend because he is too fat. This is my suggestion. Can you give him some suggesions. 课件呈现 课件继续呈现:   Ss学生根据表格可以提供帮助 Ss: Have some…. ...is good for you because we can get… from…. 3.Act 1.根据以上的图片和资料,四人合作讨论,进行表演。 S1: Look, you are so fat. S2: Yes, I’m very fat. I’m sad.. S1: Have some tomatoes and potatoes. S2: No, I don’t like tomatoes and potatoes. They are juckey. S1: Tomato is good for you because we can get… from tomato. Potato is good for you because we can get… from potato.  They are good for you. S2: Oh, I like tomatoes and potatoes.(吃的动作)I’m thin. I’m beautiful. I’m happy. S1: Wow, how beautiful. ….  培养学生的阅读能力,并获取更多的知识。 利用自己所学的知识,来帮助别人,有时一个任务。 听!!!学生的表演怎么样,还有更精彩的等你来享受。  


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