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广州版(一起)一年级英语上册教案 Unit 1 Lesson 2

上传时间: 2014-07-13

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Unit 1 Hello, I’m Andy.
Lesson Two
This lesson will cover the “Let's Sing” and “Let’s Play” sections. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, hopefully pupils will be able to: Enjoy getting an English name; Say their own English names; Ask and answer about names in English. Language focus:? “Hi/Hello, what`s your name? –> My name is …” Procedures: Activity 1:
Let’s sing (Review the “Let’s sing” section on Page 2.) 1. Sing the song “Hi / hello. What’s your name? ” again.
Activity 2:?
Who is talking to whom? (Do the “Listen and match” activity in the Activity Book One, Page 2, Exercise 2, Unit 1. ) In this activity, the four are greeting each other. Ask the children to match who is talking to whom. Check the answers.
Activity 3:
Let’s choose English names! (Do the “Let’s play” section on Page 4. Play a “Choose and Stick” game to give each child an English name. ) 1.The teacher holds up a flash card with an English name on it and reads the English name , for example, “ Julia!, Julia!” 2.all the girls who like this name can raise their hands and learn to say “Here!” follow the teacher. Then, the girl who can say the name the most accurately and beautifully will get the flash card with this English name. The teacher tears down a sticker picture representing the symbol of the name, Julia, to the girl as a prize. The girl can stick the symbol beside “Julia” and write down her Chinese name beside her symbol on the appendix, at the end of the Students` Book One. Other children also write down the girl’s Chinese name on the appendix, “Names”. The teacher uses this “Choose and stick “game to give each child an English name.
Activity 4:?
Play a “Listen and respond” game. (Go on doing the “Let’s play’ section on Page 4.) The teacher puts up a mask of Mr. Leo and assigns masks of Amy, Andy, Koto and Bobby to four children. Then the teacher calls “Bobby! Bobby! ” and the children with the mask of Bobby stands up quickly and answers “I’m here, Mr. Leo.” The teacher Play a “Listen and respond” game. With other three animal characters, and then explains how to use “Mr. and Miss” to call a male teacher or a female teacher. After several times of listening and practice of saying “I’m here.” the teacher breaks the class into two teams, Team A and Team B. Each team has got children with or without English names. A child of Team A without an English name points to a child of Team B and calls “Liu Chao!”? The child of Team B needs to stand up at once and answers quickly, “Here.” Then, vice versa, it’s Team B’s turn to challenge Team A.



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