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8B U5 Magazine articles一项特别的活动a particular activity视力sight灵魂soul平衡balance属于belong to线条line戏剧drama前台reception desk一…… 就……as soon as惊叫exclaim(犬)吠bark它听起来就像在说“是的”。It sounds like “Yes”.立刻at once客人guest她亲自将他们带到了房间。She led them personally to their room.火灾出口的位置the location of the fire exit从你的房间数过去第五扇门。It’s the fif..
8B U5 Magazine articles一项特别的活动视力灵魂平衡属于线条戏剧前台一…… 就……惊叫(犬)吠它听起来就像在说“是的”。立刻客人她亲自将他们带到了房间。火灾出口的位置从你的房间数过去第五扇门。安全第一非常明智向他描述John的房间约翰用自己的话向我们讲述接下来发生的事情。我睡着了。拉我的毯子我问到了烟味。火警铃声大作表面弄湿了几块毛巾,把它们塞在门的底部。(电话)不运作了咳嗽..
Unit 4 Newspapers在报纸上写作文write a composition on newspapers报纸有不同的版块。Newspapers have different sections.我实在再也忍受不了了。I really can’t stand it any more.花了20多分钟排队等公交车spend more than 20 minutes queuing up for a bus推搡着上车push to get on the bus这对于那些乖乖排队等了很长时间的人真是不公平。It is really very unfair to those who queue up properly for a long time.不顾及别人的人inconsiderate people教训……要自律give a less..
Unit 3 Electricity我的能量来自于食物。My energy comes from food.我的能量来自于电。My energy comes from electricity.把电能转换成不同种类的能量change electricity into different kinds of energy热能heat energy动能moving energy光能light energy声能sound energy仆人servant一包糖果a packet of sweets她甚至不知道什么是电。She doesn’t even know what electricity is.她认为她可以把它装在袋子里买回来,就像买糖果一样。She thinks that she can buy it in packets, like sw..
Unit 2 Water比黄金更有价值more valuable than gold每天需要大约2升水need about 2 liters of water daily水的数量the amount of water保持不变remain the same增加increase水的化学符号the chemical symbol for water流入flow into流入溪流与河流中run into streams and rivers从海里升到空中rise from the sea to the sky又以雨的形式降落下来fall as rain again以雨的形式从云中降落下来fall from the clouds as rain水龙头开着The tap was on.倒入洗脸盆pour into the washbasin消失..
8B Unit 2 Water比黄金更有价值每天需要大约2升水水的数量保持不变增加水的化学符号流入流入溪流与河流中从海里升到空中又以雨的形式降落下来以雨的形式从云中降落下来水龙头开着倒入洗脸盆消失在下水道里关上水龙头听上去很不耐烦遵命,服从我来这很不容易。你知道我是从哪里来的么?微弱的在云里惬意地漂浮着欣赏风景把我扔到一条溪流中把我载入河中在那里放松了几天净化从山上奔流而下流入长江听上去很困惑自来水厂给我彻底清洗加..
M1 U3 Sentences 我们公司是这个地区的用电大户。Our company is a big user of electricity. 离开时要随手关灯——节约用电Turn off the light when you leave---it saves electricity.政治家应该是人民的公仆。A politician should be a servant of the people.他哄骗我给了他钱He tricked me into giving him money.水通过细的水管流入千家万户。Water flows through narrow pipes into our millions of flats.时光飞逝。Time flows away quickly.瀑布飞流直下到山脚。Waterfall flows down to the b..
M1 U3 Sentences 我们公司是这个地区的用电大户。 离开时要随手关灯——节约用电 政治家应该是人民的公仆。 他哄骗我给了他钱 水通过细的水管流入千家万户。 时光飞逝。 瀑布飞流直下到山脚。 河水顺着管道流入了水库。 你对你的迟到怎么解释? 他用指甲在他腿上搔虫咬的地方。 天很阴,看不到山顶。 这些电缆是连接到发电站的吗? 这班飞机可接上飞往纽约的一班飞机。 我鼓励她用功并为这次考试做努力。 那孩子在聚会上表现很差。&n..
Module 3 ChangeUnit 1 Changing our lives一、填空1. My friend has a lot of money, but I have got only________.A. little B. a little C. few D. a few2. Long ago, there was a poor farmer _______Fred.A. call B. calling C. called  ..
Test for Unit NinePart 1 Listening ( 第一部分 听力 )I. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的句子,选出相应的图片):(共5分) A B C &nbs..
Module 2 Garden City and its neighboursUnit 3 Santa Claus is coming to town!一、选择填空1. People are busy _________ their Christmas trees.A. decorate???????????? B. decorating???????C. decorated??????????? D. to decorate2. People have eaten turkey ________ Christmas since 1650.A. at????????????????????? B. on ????????????????? C. in?????????????????????? D. of3. She is going to ________ the message on the radio as well.A. take?????????????????? B. talk????????????????? C. read????????????..