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  • 英语六年级上闽教版《Unit 8 Thanksgiving(2)》课件

    闽教版六年级英语上册 In  September  1620, some  English  people   went  to  America  in a boat. One of those ships was called the Mayflower.   They settled down in the new continent. They cut down trees to build houses and churches. Soon the winter came. They had a hard time during the first winter. They did not have enough food and clothes. Many of them got sick and died.  In spring, Indians visited the them. They taught the Ameri..

    类型:课件 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-09-15 星级:一星级

  • 六年级英语上册 Unit8 thanksgiving 下载 课件(闽教版)

    Unit 8 thanksgiving闽教版六年级上册英语Revision He is from America, he speaks English.Let me introduce my sister Alice to you. Translation1.他来自美国(2),他讲英语!2. 这面旗属于哪个国家?3. PRC是什么意思?(4)我的意思是中华人民共和国4. 让我介绍我的姐姐Alice给你认识。5. 据说这个电影是根据历史上一个真实的人编的。6. 学生的数量是54人,许多人是英国人7. 他不仅会唱歌,还会跳舞!8. 街道两边都有树。9. 有那么多的好书,我不知道选哪一本好What country does this flag belong to ?What do you mean by PRC? I mea..

    类型:课件 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-09-15 星级:一星级

  • 六年级英语上册 Unit8 thanksgiving 课件(闽教版)

    闽教版六年级英语上册 In  September  1620, some  English  people   went  to  America  in a boat. One of those ships was called the Mayflower.   They settled down in the new continent. They cut down trees to build houses and churches. Soon the winter came. They had a hard time during the first winter. They did not have enough food and clothes. Many of them got sick and died.  In spring, Indians visited the them. They taught the Ameri..

    类型:课件 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-09-15 星级:一星级

  • (闽教版)六年级英语上册课件 Unit8(2)

    In September 1620, some English people went to America in a boat. One of those ships was called the Mayflower. They settled down in the new continent. They cut down trees to build houses and churches. Soon the winter came. They had a hard time during the first winter. They did not have enough food and clothes. Many of them got sick and died. In spring, Indians visited the them. They taught the Americans how to plant corn. In fall, they had a very good harvest. ..

    类型:课件 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-04 星级:三星级

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