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  • 广州牛津版英语7A_U4_复习提纲

                        7A     Unit 4  Hobbies一、重点词组: used to do,billions of, see sb. do/doing sth, from one...to another,notA but B, as well as, all over the world, take photographs, for example, in the past, make friends, get excited, at the beginning of,grow up,in a second, take part in, think of, in a second二、重点句型:when I was young, I did not use to have much money..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:0点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2016-01-02 星级:零星级

  • (牛津深圳版)英语七年级上 教案: Unit4 The World of numbers

    Unit 4 The World of Numbers 华师附属南国实验学校实习队 By Huang Shaofang Ⅰ. Period: The 1st period Ⅱ. Teaching content: Reading A in Page 50 Ⅲ. Teaching type: reading Ⅳ. Teaching aim: ? Language: Acquire some knowledge about the ancient numbers, the system of numbers and calculating machines. Learn some expressions of calculation, e.g. odd number, even number, add, plus, subtract, minus, multiply, times, divide, equals, a percentage. ? Ability: D..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-07 星级:三星级

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