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  • (新蕾)快乐英语二年级下册教案 unit5 lesson1-4

    Unit FiveTopicMy homeLesson 1Situation在Jinjin的家,Jinjin正在向来访的同学们介绍自己的卧室:This is my bedroom.StructureThis is my living room.Vocabularyliving room  dining room  bathroom  study  kitchenTeaching suggestion1.一课时完成。2.基本要求:听懂、会说本课词汇;较高要求:学习基础较好的学生听懂、会说本课的句子; 更高要求:认读本课词汇。3.This is my/ our... 在上一册书学过,介绍的是学校,可以此为导入点。Lesson 2Let’s chant!   情景:津..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-14 星级:零星级

  • 英语二年级下新蕾快乐《unit 4 vehicles》课件

    Unit 4Lesson 1VehiclesHello! I’m winnie.How’s the weather today?Let's go out and play!It's a sunny day!By taxi?坐出租车by taxitaxi出租车坐出租车notewinnie’sBy taxi?坐出租车?No…By bus?坐公交车by busbus公交车坐公交车notewinnie’sBy bus?坐公交车?Yes!Let’s go by bus!Let’s gobybus.taxi.Follow me!Let's play a game!by?taxi…by?bus…by?taxi…by?…bustaxiby busby taxiGood bye! 

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-14 星级:零星级

  • 英语二年级下新蕾快乐《unit 3 weather》课件

    Unit 3 weatherLesson 2let's sing a song!sunny晴天/晴朗的cloudy阴天/多云的GuessListenandwindy刮风的rainy下雨snowy下雪如果你和朋友讨论一下今天的天气如何,你应该说……It’sHow’s the weather today?How's the weather today?Q & AHow’s the weather today?It’s.Good bye~ 

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-14 星级:零星级

  • 英语二年级下新蕾快乐《unit 2 clothes》课件

    Unit 2     clothesHappy EnglishLet’s sing a song!Good morningColour song?doorI have adress.__redshirtyellowjacketblueskirtredsweatergreencoatorangeWhat's missing?What's missing?What's missing?What's missing?如果你想问别人喜不喜欢你的衣服,你应该怎样问……?Do you like my          ?Yes,I do./No,I don’t.Let’s chant!Do you like her skirt?Yes,I do.Do you like his shirt?No,I don’t.Her skirt is red.H..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-14 星级:零星级

  • 二年级(下)第一单元

    二年级英语教案(下)Unit 1   Looks第一课时Writing date: Feb.25Teaching date: Mar.2Teaching Aims: 1.  New words: tall  short 2.  New sentences: Is he tall? Yes, he is. She’s short.Moral education:  Know about tall and short.Important and difficult points:  1.  The new words  2.  The new sentences.Teaching aids:  The word cards       the picturesTeaching method: gameTeaching steps:  Step 1.&nb..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-14 星级:零星级

  • (新蕾)快乐英语二年级下册教案 unit1(1)

    unit1 looks本册书的主人公是天天、津津、Coco,天天是一个6岁的小男孩,津津是一个可爱的7岁小女孩。他们是一对表兄妹。Coco是一个6岁的女孩,是天天与津津的邻居,也是同学。   共同相处的日子里,在他们身上发生了一系列的小故事,充分展示了他们的学校生活和家庭生活,以及他们头脑中想象的外面的世界。 第一课(共2页)  1.在情景中语言的呈现2.相关主题的词汇知识扩展第二课 (共1页)  A chant, 与主题内容联系的歌谣,是根据呈现的词汇编写的,主要目的是培养学生对语言的感觉,形成正确的语流,语音和语调。  歌谣中的..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-14 星级:一星级

  • (新蕾)快乐英语二年级上册课件 Unit 5(1)

    新蕾快乐英语二年级上册Unit 5 Subjects Happy  English!                Happy  time!       Let’s  sing          a  song!PLAY Welcome  to  English!SubjectsChinesemathsEnglishABCmusicartPECrazy  EnglishHave  a  rest (do  some  actions)语文          &..

    类型:练习 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-14 星级:一星级

  • 英语二年级上新蕾快乐《Unit 4 My Classroom》课件

    Unit 4  My classroom.新蕾快乐英语第三册blackboardablackboardadoorawindowadeskaachairSee  you! 

    类型:练习 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-14 星级:一星级

  • 快乐英语My Classroom

    My classroomChant西青区逸夫小学蔡丽云blackboard door window desk door window desk chairchairblackboardblackboarddoorwindowdeskchairCome to the desk, please, please.Ok, I’m coming.Go to the window, please,please.Ok! Ok!Let’s chant!Come to the desk,please,please.OK. I’m coming.Come to the chair,please,please.OK. I’m coming.Go to the window,please,please.OK.OK.Go to the door,please,please.A minute,please.A minute,please.Come to the blackboard,please.OK.We are coming.Thank yo..

    类型:练习 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-14 星级:一星级

  • 新蕾快乐英语二上《Unit3 Our School》ppt课件[www.1kejian.com]

    新蕾快乐英语二年级上册Unit 3 Our Schoolclassroomlibrarymusic roomgymThis is our school.This is my toy car.This is … 这是 …That is …那是 …Let’s chant !This is our school.Welcome to our school!This is our classroom.Welcome to our classroom!This is our gym.Welcome to our gym!See you ! 

    类型:练习 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-14 星级:一星级

  • (新蕾)快乐英语二年级上册课件 Unit 3(1)

    新蕾快乐英语二年级上册Unit 3 Our Schoolclassroomlibrarymusic roomgymThis is our school.This is my toy car.This is … 这是 …That is …那是 …Let’s chant !This is our school.Welcome to our school!This is our classroom.Welcome to our classroom!This is our gym.Welcome to our gym!See you ! 

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-14 星级:一星级

  • 3.4

    课题Lesson three Our school课时安排4教  学目  标review and master the words:a school, a classroom ,a library,  a music room , a gym Sound the words out correctlyShow the picture and say something like this :It's our library.通过听、说、画等形式全面复习本单元内容,在交际中进一步拓展语言,如第三项中可用Look at our…  This is a ( our ) …     I like our …   It’s …   Welcome to …等句子;本课最后..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-14 星级:一星级

  • 3.3

    课题Lesson three Our school课时安排3教  学目  标Master the words: a school, a classroom ,a library,  a music room , a gym Say the chant and learn the sentence about the song说唱能够培养学生的自信,鼓励参与;通过歌曲的演唱让学生能够有效的巩固所学单词。歌曲中的语言不要求学生记忆和掌握,只要求能跟录音机或集体演唱。教学重点Master the words about the rooms have learnt教学难点Say the chant and sing the song训 练 点I sit on my chair. I sing the happy song.教学方法Direct..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-14 星级:一星级

  • 3.2

    课题Unit three our school课时安排2教  学目  标Master the words of this unit: a school, a classroom ,a library,  a music room , a gym Can introduce the place with : This is our school.设计心目中的校园,培养学生创造美,欣赏美教学重点Read the words, say out the words and understanding the meangings教学难点The drills : This is our school.训 练 点Welcome to our school.教学方法Task method教  具Recorder cards教学内容及环节:素质培养Step one :review1.flash c..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-14 星级:一星级

  • 3.1

    课题Unit three  Our school课时安排1教  学目  标 To learn the new words: a school, a classroom ,a library,  a music room , a gym Master the words in this unitCan introduce the place with : This is our school.同通过本单元的学习,了解自己的学校,爱护学校的一草一木教学重点Master the words :a school, a classroom ,a library,  a music room , a gym . read them correctly教学难点单词library中辅音连缀的发音。训 练 点The pronunciation of the drills  : This is ... ...

    类型:教案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-14 星级:一星级

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