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  • Unit19 The Merchant of Venice integrating skills高二英语课件

    The Merchant of Venice readingPortia Shylock Bassanio   Antonio  charactersthe Dukea cruel businessmanlends Antonio 3000 ducats.a rich and beautiful woman marries Bassanio, also acts as the lawyer.A kind merchant of Venice borrows 3000 ducats from Shylock for Bassanio .Antonio’s best friendgets married to Portia with the money borrowed from Shylock. President of Venicehead of the court.Antonio Shylock Bassanio PortiaThe duke 

    类型:课件 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-20 星级:一星级

  • 高二英语下学期Unit19课件 人教版

    William Shakespeare:(1564-1616) -As you like it-The Merchant of Venice-A Midsummer Night's Dream-Twelfth Night-Hamlet-King Lear-Macbeth-Othello-Romeo and Juliet-Henry V-Henry VIII-Richard II-Richard III-SonnetsComedy HistoryTragedy PoetryEnjoy the quotation         from Shakespeare playsThat is a question whether to live on in this world or to die, that is, to take action or to do nothing.1. To be or not to be; that is the question.    &nbs..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-20 星级:一星级

  • 英语:unit19 the merchant of Venice课件(旧人教版必修4)

    The Merchant of Venice Introduction: What do you know about William Shakespeare? What nationality was he ? When did he live? What did he write? Do you know the titles of any of his plays? Romeo and Juliet King Lear The merchant of Venice How many characters are there? What are they? Antonio Bassanio Portia Nerissa The Duke Shylock What kind of people are they? Antonio Bassanio Portia Nerissa The Duke Shylock A merchant,much liked by everybo..

    类型:课件 需要精品点:10点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-02-27 星级:二星级

  • 英语:unit19 the merchant of Venice课件(旧人教版必修4)

    The Merchant of Venice Introduction: What do you know about William Shakespeare? What nationality was he ? When did he live? What did he write? Do you know the titles of any of his plays? Romeo and Juliet King Lear The merchant of Venice How many characters are there? What are they? Antonio Bassanio Portia Nerissa The Duke Shylock What kind of people are they? Antonio Bassanio Portia Nerissa The Duke Shylock A merchant,much liked by everyb..

    类型:课件 需要精品点:10点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-02-27 星级:二星级

  • the merchant of Venice

    Venice, the City of Water Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice William Shakespeare (1564-1616) Tragedies: Othello King Lear Macbeth Hamlet 37 plays born in England a great playwriter and poet Comedies: A Midsummer Night’s Dream As You Like it Twelfth Night The Merchant of Venice … … poems sonnet narrative poems other poems …… Four great tragedies Four great comedies love marry Borrow money Borrow court merchant n. trader or one w..

    类型:课件 需要精品点:10点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-02-27 星级:二星级

  • Unit 19 Language points

    Unit 19 Language points 1.在---什么情形下 2.反过来 3.乞求某人做某事 4.据我所知 5.着手做某事 6.在这种特殊情况下 be in a position turn around beg sb to do sth as far as I know go about doing sth in this particular case Phrases 1.对---表示同情 2.任由---摆布或控制 3.---的标志 4.不如;不妨 5.期待;希望 6.嫉妒某人某事 7.就坐 8.对---指控 9.合法权利

    类型:课件 需要精品点:10点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-02-27 星级:二星级

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