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  • Unit 12 Lesson 2 Mind Your Manners教案

    Unit 12 Lesson 2 Mind Your MannersTeaching Aim:At the end of the lesson, students will be able to? know more about culture and manners;? practise using polite expressions in formal and informal dialogues;? prepare for speaking; ? do roleplays in different situation with proper manners. Teaching procedure:ActivitiesIntentionsIP & timePre-listeningStep1T show PPT3 to ask Ss to talk about manner激活单元和已学词汇,激发学生的兴趣和背景知识。CW4'Step2T asks Ss to think about the manner and cultur..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2016-03-14 星级:三星级

  • 【课堂新坐标,同步备课参考】2013-2014学年高中英语北师大版必修四教师用书Unit 12Cuture Shock

                    【美文阅读】   Culture shock stories  留学国外,总会遇到这样或那样的问题,阅读下面的文章,看看你是否了解这些文化差异。  XL,please!  Before I came to the USA for studying,I had pictured that everything there was extra large.In my imagination,everyone was overweight,meals were big, and the size of the clothes was large.But those were only my imagination.  When I first came to NWS (National Weather Service),I was shocked by the size of the school.Is t..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2016-03-14 星级:一星级

  • Unit 11 Lesson 3 The Advertising Game教案

    第二课时 Second period教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 在语境中理解词汇;2. 学习并练习使用动名词Gerunds;3. 谈论广告,对广告进行评价。教学过程注: IP=Interactive Pattern; T=Teacher; Ss=Students; CW=Class Work; IW=Individual Work; PW= Pair Work; GW=Group Work步骤Steps 教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式和时间 IP & TimeReviewStep 1T plays a section of video of an advertisement about cosmetics and has Ss give it a slogan.(PPT 3)激发学生兴趣,回忆课文内容。CW4'Step 2Ss first read..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2016-03-14 星级:三星级

  • Unit 11 Lesson 3 The Advertising Game第一课时教案

    第十一单元 The Media 教学设计 Lesson 3 The Advertising Game教材分析  本课是第11单元的第3课。本课的语篇是一篇关于广告的文章The Advertising Game。学生将在本课了解西方广告的构思、设计、影响及作用,并讨论广告对人们日常生活的影响。学习有关广告的词汇,理解文章大意,使用略读、细读等阅读策略。通过图片、录像等手段提高学生学习语言的兴趣,丰富课外知识,有助于获取文章内容信息,把握主旨大意。  本课的语法是动名词Gerunds。学生对这一语法现象比较模糊,虽然经常在文章中见到,但对于动名词的用法不太熟悉。要帮助..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:60点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2016-03-14 星级:四星级

  • 【课堂新坐标,同步备课参考】2013-2014学年高中英语北师大版必修四教师用书Unit 11The Media

                    【美文阅读】   大众媒体既能传递日常生活的必要信息,也能成为公众极具价值的教育途径。有时媒体也会产生误导,但总的来说它的积极作用是显而易见的。  Mass Media  Every day, we are all influenced by the mass media.Although some critics of the media claim that these means of communication are used mainly to control our thinking and get us to buy products that we don't need, the media also contribute to keeping people informed.In other words, while dangers do exist, ..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:60点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2016-03-14 星级:四星级

  • 【课堂新坐标,同步备课参考】2013-2014学年高中英语北师大版必修四教师用书Unit 10 Money

              【美文阅读】   在作者眼里,零用钱是教会孩子们学会预算,节省开支和作出决定的重要工具,而不是简单地教孩子如何省钱。在你的眼里,零用钱是什么概念呢?  An allowance(零用钱) is an important tool for teaching kids how to budget, save and make their own decisions.Children remember and learn from mistakes when their own dollars are lost or spent foolishly.  How large an allowance is appropriate? Experts say there is not right amount.Actual amounts differ from area to area, and ..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2016-03-14 星级:三星级

  • 北师大版必修三Unit9 lesson1 On your bike教案

    Unit 9 WheelsLesson 1 On your bike教案Teaching aims:To draw students' attention to the unit objectives and ask them which of these activities are new.To practise using the Present Perfect Continuous.To read a newspaper article and understand the main pointsTo act out a dialogue explaining what has been happeningTeaching important points:To practise using the Present Perfect Continuous.To read a newspaper article and understand the main pointsTeaching aids:CAITeaching procedures:Step1. Warm upTas..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2016-03-14 星级:一星级

  • 【课堂新坐标,同步备课参考】2013-2014学年高中英语北师大版必修三教师用书Unit 9 Wheels

      Unit 9 Wheels  【美文阅读】   交通阻塞已经成为各大城市最头疼的问题,在解决这个问题的过程中,世界知名城市都在各显神通,效果如何呢?让我们一起去领略一番吧!    You may ride on your bicycle in a rush to get to school every morning.You may fight to get a bit of space on a bus or on the subway.You may also watch taxis crawl their way through traffic jams.  No matter where you are,all big cities around the world have traffic jams these days.But although they all have their problems,m..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2016-03-14 星级:一星级

  • 【课堂新坐标,同步备课参考】2013-2014学年高中英语北师大版必修三教师用书Unit 8 Adventure

      Unit 8 Adventure  【美文阅读】     你体验过瞬间刺激的冒险运动吗?蹦极就是一个不错的选择,尝试之前先来品味一番下文作者蹦极时心惊肉跳的感受吧!  I never thought that it absolutely needed lots of courage to decide,"Should I jump,or should I wait until someone pushes me or even to tell me NO REFUND AT ALL!"  At the same time,a couple of Americans shouted at me"Hurry up!"Perhaps they didn't want to wait and take turns.All I could hear was the voice from the sa..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:10点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2016-03-14 星级:二星级

  • 北师大版必修三Unit7 lesson1 The spirit of explorers练习

    Unit 7 The seaLesson 1 The spirit of explorers练习1. - Is that the small town you often refer to?   -Right, just the one _____ you know I used to work for years.   A. that             B. which          C. where          D. what2. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from ____ effects the people are still suf..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2016-03-14 星级:一星级

  • 北师大版必修三Unit7 lesson1 The Spirit of Explorers教案

    Unit 7 The SeaLesson 1 The Spirit of Explorers教案Teaching Aims:1.To practise reading for specific information.2.To practise using relative clauses with when, where and why.3.To practise using relative clauses with prepositions and relative pronouns.4.To review and consolidate the relative pronouns.5.To talk about explorers.Teaching difficulties:To practise using relative clauses with when, where and why.Teaching Aids: computer and cassette.  Teaching procedures:Ⅰ. Warming up   T: Today ..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2016-03-14 星级:三星级

  • 北师大版必修三Unit7 Communication Workshop教案

    Unit 7 The SeaCommunication Workshop教案Objectives ■ To write a report about a tourist attraction. ■ To practise using linking words of contrast. ■ To prepare for and take part in a public debate. ■ To practise giving opinions. ■ To listen to a song and understand it. ■ To practise using vocabulary concerning the environment. Resources used Cassette, Writing Help 1, leaflets of tourist attractions in the area. Possible problems Some students will be more comfortable with the public debate ..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2016-03-14 星级:一星级

  • 【课堂新坐标,同步备课参考】2013-2014学年高中英语北师大版必修三教师用书Unit 7 The sea

      Unit 7 The sea    【美文阅读】     你对大海了解多少?阳光照耀下她妩媚多姿;狂风暴雨下她凶猛狂暴,除此以外还有什么呢?  The first thing to remember is that the sea is very big.When you look at the map of the world you will find there is more water than land.The sea covers three quarters of the world.  The sea is also very deep in some places.It is not deep everywhere.Some parts of the sea are very shal-low.But in some places the depth of the sea is very great.There is one spot,..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:10点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2016-03-14 星级:二星级

  • 新人教版高一英语必修四第五单元Theme parks教案之语言点详解

    新人教版高一英语必修四第五单元Theme?parks?? 教案之语言点详解词汇详解:??一.词语辨析??1.?whichever?/?no?matter?which?【解释】??whichever无论哪一个;任何一个/些?1)?引导名词从句,?即主语从句或宾语从句;2)?引导让步状语从句=?no?matter?which,?译作“无论哪一个”。?no?matter?which?只能引导让步状语从句。??【练习】用whichever,no?matter?which填空。?1).?_________?of?you?comes?in?first?will?get?the?book.??2-1-c-n-j-y2).?_________?side?wins,?I?shall?be?satisfied.?3).?You?can?take?________ 

    类型:教案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-21 星级:一星级

  • 高中英语优秀教案:Unit 5 Theme parks Period 5 Speaking and Writing(新人教版必修4)

    Period 5 Speaking and WritingThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period aims at providing the students with an opportunity to apply what they have learned in this unit.Moreover,it leaves some space for them to create and imagine.Before writing the teacher can give the students a brainstorming time in class,having the students think about what they are going to write for their introduction to the 

    类型:教案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-21 星级:一星级

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