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  • Reading

    nine years of compulsory education What’s your understanding of the title “Education for all”? Complete, free and compulsory primary education of good quality for all children by 2015 some new words in the text: 1.In 1986 , the Chinese government introduced a law stating that by the year 2000 every Chinese child would have nine years of compulsory education. A. important B. necessary absolutely D.significant 2.The member coun..

    类型:课件 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-02-27 星级:一星级

  • Extensive Reading

    Extensive Reading Revision Summarize the paragraph on P106: The education for girls is still a big problem. The main reason is that many communities have lower hopes and requirements of females. However, females contribute a lot to family’s higher income and levels of comfort. There is still a long way to go before every girl learns to read and write. Pre-reading As a student you are learning many things every day. What different activities do you and your teachers do to help you ..

    类型:课件 需要精品点:10点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-02-27 星级:二星级

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