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  • unit 19 modern agriculture language points

    Language points Para1. It is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of China. 就是在这些耕地上,农民们生产了供全国人口的粮食。 强调句的结构: It is/was+强调部分+that(人物也可用who)+句子其他部分 Jia Sixie wrote a book called Qimin Yaoshu around 540 AD. 是贾思勰在公元540年左右写了一本叫《齐民要术》的书。 是在公元540年左右, 贾思勰写了一本叫《齐民要术》的书。 贾思勰在公元540年左右,写的是一本名叫《齐民要术》的书。 翻译:1.是村长决定农田该种什么? 2...

    类型:课件 需要精品点:10点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-02-27 星级:二星级

  • unit19 integrating skills

    Unit 19 Modern agriculture 短语: bring in as well as protect … from a variety of have an effect on over the years(在这几年里) make use of in the 1980s be different from stand for in other words go against make good money 1.________________________________ (尽可能充分利用土地)two or more crops are planted each year ________________(在可能的地方). To make as much use of the land as possible where possible 2.Food production is not only i..

    类型:课件 需要精品点:10点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-02-27 星级:二星级

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