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  • 广东版小学英语五年级上册Unit6—Unit11教案备课

    Using the bookPractice the same procedure with the other months.T: Open your books. Listen and repeat. Point to each picture as you say it.Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word.. Step 3   Practice  Target   Getting readyT: ( point to picture cards of January and February) When’s winter holiday?[Ss: It’s in January and February.]T: (Point to Picture cards of March, April, May and June.) When’s ( spring term)? [S1:It’s in March, April, May..

    类型:学案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-13 星级:一星级

  • 广东版开心学英语五年级上册教案备课

    Unit One  Come with me !Teaching objectives:1.Enable to master the new words and the new language structures of these units.2.Go over Student’s Book 43. Enable to describe and ask about possessions.         4. Enable to ask about needs.        4. Develop the four basic skills of the pupils.Teaching key points:        Master the new words and the new sentence structures of these uni..

    类型:学案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-13 星级:一星级

  • (广东版)开心英语三年级上册教案 Unit 10(1)

    Lesson 10   How old are you? 教学目标:认识单词:balloons candles presents, cookies, plates, cups 复习单词:1---10.       初步学习名词的复数形式及读音。       学会如何询问别人的年龄及回答。       掌握U,V ,W的读音及拼读规则。 重点: 句子,单词,及字母读音。 难点:名词的复数形式。V,W的读音规则。 第一课时:Step1: warm up. Step2: review: sing the song 〈ten little Indians〉, count 1—10 Step3: presentation: 1. ..

    类型:学案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-13 星级:一星级

  • (广东版)开心英语三年级上册教案 Unit 9(1)

    Unit  9 What color is this  ?Teaching aims:1.能熟练拼写表示颜色的六个单词:red, blue, yellow, green, purple,orange。2.能熟练运用What  color  is  this?问颜色及作回答。3.能运用上述知识在日常生活中。Main and difficult points:1.掌握red, blue, yellow, green, purple,orange等单词的拼写。2.熟练地运用本课的句型What  color  is  this ?  It’s  ….Teaching aids:课件,录音机,图画纸,彩色笔,实物等。Teaching procedure一、Warm-up课前播放歌..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-13 星级:一星级

  • (广东版)开心英语五年级上册教案 Unit 8 period1

    Unit 8 Review 2The first period教学目标1.句型:What’s the weather like? It’s rainy in spring. Is it rainy in fall? No, it’s not. It’s windy. What’s the weather like today? It’s sunny and hot. When’s winter holiday? It’s in January and February. Is January after February? No, January is before February. When’s your birthday? It’s on 20th October. What’s the date today? It’s October 20th. Today is my birthday.2.单词:spring sum..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-13 星级:一星级

  • Come With Me! 教学设计 (1)

        Come with me!(The First Period)Step 1 Revision1.Revise the old words and the sentences, using the pictures:What does she/he do?She/He is a teacher(doctor, nurse, taxi driver, student, etc).Step2 presentation1.Use the pictures and the sentences to teach the new words: 1)What does he/she do?  Farmer / factory  worker.2) What’s this?Dictionary / calendar/diary2. Draw a family tree to help explain and teach the following new words:   Aunt / uncle / cous..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:0点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-13 星级:零星级

  • 《Unit 1》 教案(2)

    广东版开心英语5A  unit1Come With Me!Period 2Step1: Warming up: listen to a song. Revision: What does she do? Whose diary is it? Step2:Listen to the tape about “conversation” again. And then check Practice 2. Put Ss into groups of three and have them interview the two other members of the group. When we finish checking, ask volunteers to report to the class. Step3:Hold up the book and point to the picture of the man and boys. T: This is Tony’s uncle and cousin. Point to ..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:0点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-13 星级:零星级

  • 《Unit 1》 教案(1)

    广东版开心英语5A  unit1Come With Me!Period 1Objectives and Requirements: Review: Is this your dictionary? No, it’s not. It’s Tony’s dictionary. What does she do? She’s a doctor. Key Words: farmer, factory worker, aunt, uncle, cousin, calendar, dictionary, diary Sounds and words : sun , cut , fun , mother , son , month ---------[ ∧ ] Materials: Picture Cards of Gogo , Tony , Jenny , Picture Cards 1-8  Period 1Step1: Warming up: listen to a song. Step2: Put ..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:0点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-13 星级:零星级

  • (广东版)开心英语教案 5A unit12

    (广东版)开心英语五年级上册教案 unit12 unit12 Review 3 Target: Your bedroom was messy this morning. Is it tidy now? Yes, it is. My books were on the floor this morning. They are on the desk now. Did you study yesterday? No, I didn’t. I did. What did you do yesterday, Ben? I planted trees yesterday. What did you do yesterday? I played basketball. What did you do the day before yesterday? I played basketball of course. Sounds and words:/ao/, /t/, /d/, /Id/,/ou/ Vocabulary warm, wet, clean,..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-04 星级:三星级

  • (广东版)开心英语五年级上册教案 Unit 11(6)

    广东版开心英语上册教案 Unit 11 What did you do,Gogo? (The third period) 教学目标:语音和单词:toad,goat,road,boad,row,slow 教学重点、难点: a. 字母组合oa,ow在单词中的发音。 b. 能独立完成WB P40 4。 教具: pictures,word cards,tape,recorder 教学过程: Step 1 Revision a. Revise P59~60 using pictures and word cards quickly. b. Chant activity c. Listening in WB P37 1 Step2 Presentation a. Teaching the word using pictures and word cards. E.g. T: What's this? P..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-04 星级:三星级

  • (广东版)开心英语五年级上册教案 Unit 11(5)

    广州版五年级英语上册教案 Unit 11 What did you do,Gogo? (The second period) 教学目标:What did you do in the parade? I played the trumpet. 教学重点、难点: a. 灵活运用所学的句型进行对话。 b. 单词 trumpet 的读音 教具: Pictures, word cards, a trumpet, tape, recorder 教学过程: Step 1 Revision a. Revise v-ed using pictures and word cards. B.Ask and answer using pictures. E.g. T: May, what did you do yesterday? P1: I played basketball...

    类型:教案 需要精品点:60点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-04 星级:四星级

  • (广东版)开心英语教案 5A unit11(3)

    (广东版)开心英语教案五年级上册 unit11 Unit 11 What did you do, Gogo? The third period 教学目标:语音和单词:toad, goat, road, board, row, slow 教学重点、难点: a. 字母组合oa, ow在单词中的发音。 b. 能独立完成WB P40 4。 教具: pictures, word cards, tape, recorder 教学过程: Step 1 Revision a. Revise P59~60 using pictures and word cards quickly. b. Chant activity c. Listening in WB P37 1 Step2 Presentation eg. T: What's this? a. Teaching the word using pictu..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-04 星级:三星级

  • (广东版)开心英语教案 5A unit11(2)

    (广东版)开心英语教案五年级上册 unit11 Unit 11 What did you do, Gogo? The second period 教学目标:What did you do in the parade? I played the trumpet. 教学重点、难点: a. 灵活运用所学的句型进行对话。 b. 单词 trumpet 的读音 教具: pictures, word cards, a trumpet, tape, recorder 教学过程: Step 1 Revision a. Revise v-ed using pictures and word cards. b. Ask and answer using pictures . eg. T: May, what did you do yesterday? ..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:10点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-04 星级:二星级

  • (广东版)开心英语教案 5A unit10(2)

    (广东版)五年级英语上册教案 unit10 Unit 10 I planted trees. The second period Target: Did you study yesterday? No, I didn’t. I did. What did you do yesterday, Ben? I planted trees yesterday. Sounds and words: helped, listened, painted, used, carried, acted Vocabulary: planted, watched, washed, cooked, listened, helped, painted, called. Materials: calendar, picture cards, Teaching Procedure Step1:Warming up: chant together. Review the words and the sentences: Did you…? What ..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:60点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-04 星级:四星级

  • (广东版)开心英语教案 5A unit10(1)

    (广东版)五年级英语上册教案 unit10 Unit 10 I planted trees. The first period Target: Did you study yesterday? No, I didn’t. I did. What did you do yesterday, Ben? I planted trees yesterday. Sounds and words: helped, listened, painted, used, carried, acted Vocabulary: planted, watched, washed, cooked, listened, helped, painted, called. Materials: calendar, picture cards, Teaching Procedure 一 Greetings: Good morning. Nice to meet you. Warming up: sing a song. T: take out tw..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-04 星级:三星级

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