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  • 牛津上海版英语九上《Chapter 4 The African ghost fish》word同步测试2套

     Chapter 4 The African Ghost Fish                                   Period 1  *一、根据句意,写出适当的单词1. The dog bit me. I felt p_____.2. When it gets cloudy at night, the stars become i_____.3. Every c_____ on the earth needs water and air.??????????????????? 4. I like fruit, e_______ oranges.????? 5. In the North Pole, it is e_____ cold. 6. Tom didn’t do his homework well...

    类型:月考 需要精品点:0点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-28 星级:零星级

  • 王晓娴-教学课件

     More practice*ComputersOxford English  Shanghai Editon9A Unit 4 The history of the Internet1960sGuess the meaning of the wordAnother problem was that they were complicated and not compatible with each other.The research team had to overcome these difficulties to create a network that could share computing power.be able to work together1960sgraduallyThe history of the InternetGradually, more and more scholars came online.At the same time, the computers are becoming smaller and sma..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-28 星级:零星级

  • 牛津上海版英语九上《Chapter 1 Protecting the innocent》ppt课件

     Chapter IProtecting the innocentRead and answer       Sidney and Andrew are sitting in a coffee shop.       Andrew: Who's that guy over at the counter, the one in the red jacket? He looks very familiar.      Sidney: Nobody I know. But he's left-handed, plays the violin and needs a new pair of eyeglasses. He also came here by bus.      Andrew: How do you know so much about him if you don't know him?&nb..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-28 星级:零星级

  • 9A.M1U1The_night_of_the_horse

     M1U1  The night of the horseA What do you know about…….? Here are pictures of three famous historical places. Match them with the countries.123PyramidsStonehengeParthenon Templebca埃及金字塔(Pyramids)建于4500年前,是古埃及法老(即国王)和王后的陵墓。陵墓是用巨大石块修砌成的方锥形建筑,因形似汉字“金”字,故译作“金字塔”。埃及迄今已发现大大小小的金字塔110座,大多建于埃及古王朝时期。 英国索尔兹伯里以北的古代巨石建筑遗迹。阵中巨石的排列,..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-28 星级:零星级

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