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  • 美语三级跳 你从哪里来

    Professor: Kevin and Jose are roommates at college. Today they are moving into their room and meeting each other for the first time. Professor Bowman, 这可是件大事。我的第一个大学室友睡觉鼾声如雷,还经常偷吃我的东西,希望 Kevin 和 Jose 不会这样。 Professor: I hope so too. Let's listen. Jose: Hello, I'm Jose. Are you Kevin, my roommate? Kevin: Yes, I'm Kevin. It's very nice to meet you, Jose. Jose: Nice to meet you too. Where are you from, Kevin? Kevin: I'm from Ohio. How about you? Jose: I'm fro..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2016-01-02 星级:三星级

  • 冀教版七年级英语上unit3

    冀教版七年级英语上unit3.pptpage1Unit 3  Body Parts and FeelingsLesson 13 Body Partspage2   hairmoutheyeheadearnosefaceLead-inpage3Presentation page4page5page6page7page8 I have big ears.I can hear with my ears.page9Look and Say  I have …I can …with my ...page10 This is a robot.His name is Robin.He has …He  can …with his  ...Read and Say page11have 意为“有;长着”has 为动词have的第三人称单数形式。1. have用于第一人..

    类型:课件 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2016-01-02 星级:三星级

  • Lesson 18 (Finished)

    Lesson 18 (Finished).pptpage1Unit 3 Body Parts and FeelingsLesson 18:We All Look Different!page2beautiful, good-looking, cool, cute,able, active, alert(机灵的), confident, creative(富有创造力的), cooperative,  careful, friendly, hard-working, gentle(有礼貌的), honest, humorous, independent (有主见的), kind, warm-hearted, Brainstorm: Can you think of some adjectives(形容词) to describe a person?page3modest, reliable(可信赖的), selfish(自私的), smart(精明的), strict, easygoing(随和的),  ..

    类型:课件 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2016-01-02 星级:一星级

  • ge007a

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2016-01-02 星级:一星级

  • lesson13.5

    lesson13.5.pptpage1Unit 3 Body Parts and FeelingsLesson 13: Body Partspage2fingers‘像…”Look and thinkWhat are they  like ?They are like … .page3headIt is like a ….  .page4mouthFinger , head, and mouth are body parts .e.g       arm“部位,部分”It is like a ….  .page5What  can he do with his arms ?“使用,用”He  can ______noodles with  his _____.makearmspage6New  word..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2016-01-02 星级:一星级

  • 【最新】冀教版七年级英语上册:Unit 3 Lesson 13 Body Parts精美课件

    Unit 3 Body Parts and FeelingsLesson 13: Body PartsWarm-up: Brainstorm(热身:头脑风暴)Write down as many body part and action words as you can. (写出关于身体部位、动作的词汇)Do you know the new words?part [pɑ:t] n. 部分Singing and dancing are two important       parts of a good party.2. Teachers play an important part in their students’ lives.feeling ['fi:l??] n 感觉;情感(常用作复数)—How do you feel? —I feel hot and I want to eat an ice cream.D..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-03 星级:零星级

  • 【最新】冀教版七年级英语上册:Unit3 Lesson 18 We All Look Different!精美课件

    Unit 3 Body Parts and FeelingsLesson 18:We All Look Different!beautiful, good-looking, cool, cute,able, active, alert(机灵的), confident, creative(富有创造力的), cooperative,  careful, friendly, hard-working, gentle(有礼貌的), honest, humorous, independent (有主见的), kind, warm-hearted, Brainstorm: Can you think of some adjectives(形容词) to describe a person?modest, reliable(可信赖的), selfish(自私的), smart(精明的), strict, easygoing(随和的),  pretty, ugly(丑陋的), handsome, good-na..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-03 星级:零星级

  • 【最新】冀教版七年级英语上册:Unit3 Lesson 17 Seeing a Doctor精美课件

    Unit 3 Body Parts and FeelingsLesson 17:Seeing a DoctorDo you know the new words?stomachache ['st?m?ke?k] n. 肚子痛;胃痛Wang Mei has a stomachache.=Wang Mei’s stomach hurts.=She has a pain in his stomach. What should you do when you have a stomachache?better ['bet?] adj. &adv. (good/well的比较级)更好的(地)Good, better, best, Never let it rest, Till good is better, And better, best.Do you know the new words?matter['m?t?] n. 问题1. Don't you think this is now a matter for the police?难..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-03 星级:零星级

  • 【最新】冀教版七年级英语上册:Unit3 Lesson 16 Happy or Sad精美课件

    Unit 3 Body Parts and FeelingsLesson 16:Happy or SadDo you know the new words?hurt [h?:t] v. 伤害;疼痛 adj. 痛的;受伤的The man has a bad toothache.=The man’s tooth hurts badly.=The man has a pain in his tooth. enough [i`n?f] adj. &adv. 足够的(地)adj./adv. +enough to do sth.The girl is old enough to go to school.I have enough money to buy the book.Do you know the new words?laugh[lɑ:f] v. 笑1. He laughed with pleasure when people said he looked like his dad.Do you know the new words?2..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-03 星级:零星级

  • Lesson 15 (Finished)

    Unit 3 Body Parts and FeelingsLesson 15:Tall or ShortWho are they? How tall are they? They are Bao Xishun and his wife. Bao is one of thetallest people in the world.He comes from Mongolia.He is 2.38 metres tall. Hislegs are 1.5 meters. Hisfeet are 38 centimetreslong and 12 centimetres wide. His wife is 1.65metres tall. She is a bitshort. Who are they? Talk about them.Yao Ming is 2.26 metres tall. Bao is 12 centimetres taller than Yao Ming.  His wife will have a baby. How tall will..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-03 星级:零星级

  • 给生活添色彩

    Bringing Color to Life and Tears to Eyes With a Natural DyeThis is the VOA Special English Development Report. 这里是美国之音慢速英语发展报告。 Dye can bring a little color to life. Most clothing is colored with dyes. Modern, manufactured dyes can be costly. Natural dyes from plant and animal products have been used since ancient times. So this week, we describe a natural way to dye wool. 染料可以给生活增添色彩。多数衣服都是靠染料染色的。现代人造染料比较昂贵。从古时候起,人们就开始使用从动植物产..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-03 星级:零星级

  • Lesson 14 (Finished)

    Unit 3 Body Parts and FeelingsLesson 14:Colours and FeelingsWarm-up: Brainstorm(热身:头脑风暴)Write down as many words about colours and feelings as they can. (写出关于身体部位、动作的词汇)colourfeelingDo you know the new words?singer ['s???]] n. 歌手    Michel Jackson is one of my favoritesingers. He sang a lot of songs, like Theearth song, Thriller, We are the World and so on.feeling ['fi:l??] n 感觉;情感(常用作复数)—How do you feel? —I feel hot and I want to eat..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-03 星级:零星级

  • 冀教版七年级英语上unit3

    Unit 3  Body Parts and FeelingsLesson 13 Body PartshairmoutheyeheadearnosefaceLead-inPresentation  I have big ears.I can hear with my ears.Look and Say  I have …I can …with my ... This is a robot.His name is Robin.He has …He  can …with his  ...Read and Say have 意为“有;长着”has 为动词have的第三人称单数形式。1. have用于第一人称(I,we),第二人称(you),            ..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-03 星级:零星级

  • 冀教版英语(课件):七年级上Unit 3 Lesson 17-Lesson 18

    Body and feeling 身体和感觉 制作人:田红雪 eye nose mouth ear head neck arm hand leg foot body happy happy Are you happy? Do you feel happy? Yes,I’m happy. Yes,I feel happy. sad sad sad hot hot cold cold tired tired warm warm warm cool cool I’m sad! How do

    类型:课件 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-06 星级:三星级

  • Unit3 Body and Feelings

    Unit 3 Body and Feelings Lesson 17 Happy, Sad body head arm leg hand foot This is his… A: I’m _______! Do you feel _______? B: Yes! I feel ______, too. A: I'm _____! How do you feel? B: I’m _____, too. happy sad happy happy happy sad sad If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. S..

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    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-06 星级:三星级

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