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  • 演示高二英语unit18 reading 人教版文稿1

     InventionsUnit18 What can you see in the following picture?readingWhat will you think of next?listening Task 2 . Make judgment.Task 1. Answer the question:             What thinking habits             do some thinkers have             in common?What will you think of next?Thinking habits Think outside the boxTake..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-20 星级:零星级

  • 高二英语学Unit8 reading课件

    DR ABCUnit 8 Reading1.If the person is  not breathing,Situations                             measures2.If the person is  bleeding badly,3. If the person  loses one third  of his blood4.If someone is  badly hurt 5.If the person   can breathe   weaklyA.You mustn’t move him.     &n..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-20 星级:零星级

  • 高二英语Unit8 First Aid Language Study课件

    Unit  8Language studyreviewTranslate the following into English进行急救搜索房间在这种情况下被淹死/噎死中毒某事发生在某人身上电线着火关煤气/电颠倒计划做某事电器好像记在脑子里处理紧急情况保持镇定叫救护车救某人的命首先代表事故现场做好事, 有益于在路上;即将到来用嘴对嘴人工呼吸方法搭脉;号脉让某人开始呼吸止血康复姿势将某人翻转到一边用…盖住…AB做出决定摸心跳走到某人跟前没有明确的答复四人一组犯错生病错过航班住房计划上钢琴课迷路去野餐心脏病突然发作电击, 触电为纪念常见的损伤防止某人做某..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-20 星级:零星级

  • 高二英语Uni8知识点复习课件

        Language Points                 of Unit 8   Senior 2I. Listening & Speaking       give /do first aid           a  first aid box      aid sb. to do sth.            aid sb. with sth.      go/ come to one’s ai..

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    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-08-20 星级:零星级

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