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  • (湘少版)四年级英语下册教案 unit14(3)

    Unit 14  Do you have any money?Words and expressions: Be worn out, be excited about doing sth ,what size do you need? A new pair of shoes, a bit expensive, how much are they ? Step 1. Revision 1.Duty report. 2.T: The spring festival is coming in about twenty days. You are going back home for the holiday. Are you excited about going back home? Why or why not? S: T: What are you going to do during the winter holiday? S: I am going to… T: People are usually busy before the spring festi..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:0点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-14 星级:零星级

  • (湘少版2012)四年级英语下册教案 Unit14 Do you have any money

    湘少版四年级英语下册课件Unit 14Do you have any money?教学目标     掌握本课新单词,如money; 能运用“Do you have … ”询问某人是  否有某物,并用“Yes, I have ./No , I don’t have it.” 对该询问作出回应;理解must be 的含义和用法。New wordmoneyNew wordicecreamNew wordriceNew wordnoodlesNew wordbananaNew wordappleNew wordpearWhat do you like?Dialogue Jim,where are you going?I am going to fish.I want to buy some apples. But I don’t h..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:0点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-07-14 星级:零星级

  • (湘少版)四年级英语下册教案 unit14 period2

    Unit 14 Do you have any money? 第二课时 Words and expressions Be worn out, be excited about doing sth ,what size do you need? A new pair of shoes, a bit expensive, how much are they ? Step 1. Revision 1. Duty report. 2. T: The spring festival is coming in about twenty days. You are going back home for the holiday. Are you excited about going back home? Why or why not? S: T: What are you going to do during the winter holiday? S: I am going to… T: People are usually busy before the spring fest..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:10点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-05 星级:二星级

  • (湘少版)四年级英语下册教案 unit14 period1

    Unit 14 Do you have any money? 第一课时 Words and expressions Be worn out, be excited about doing sth ,what size do you need? A new pair of shoes, a bit expensive, how much are they ? Step 1. Revision 1.Duty report. 2.T: The spring festival is coming in about twenty days. You are going back home for the holiday. Are you excited about going back home? Why or why not? S: T: What are you going to do during the winter holiday? S: I am going to… T: People are usually busy before the spring festiv..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-05 星级:三星级

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