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  • (人教PEP)四年级英语下册教案 Unit 3(20) 第六课时

    (人教PEP)四年级英语下册教案 Unit 2 What time is it 第六课时B Read and write. 教学目标 (一)知识 1.词汇:skirt, shirt, jacket, dress 和T-shirt. 2. 句型:What color is it? It’s white. (二)能力 1.能够四会掌握单词:skirt, shirt, jacket, dress 和T-shirt. 2.能够正确书写句子:What color is it? It’s white. 3.能理解并朗读对话。 (三)情感 能得体穿衣,让自己的精神状态更好,更有朝气和活力。 教学重点:Read and write 中的单词和句子在四线格中的正确书写。  教学难点:分析元音字母e..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:0点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2012-02-25 星级:零星级

  • (人教PEP)四年级英语下册教案 Unit 3(19)

    (人教PEP)四年级英语下册教案 Unit 3 Is this your skirt? Lesson 6 Teaching aims: 1. Grasp the 4-skilled words: skirt, shirt, jacket, dress, T-shirt, and the sentence: What colour is it? It’s white. 2. Finish the exercise on the book. Difficulties and importance: Grasp the 4-skilled words: skirt, shirt, jacket, dress, T-shirt, and the sentence: What colour is it? It’s white. Preparation: Picture, recorder, tapes. Steps: I. Warm-up. Review the new sentences in Let’s talk. ..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:0点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2012-02-25 星级:零星级

  • (人教PEP)四年级英语下册教案 Unit 3(16)

    (人教PEP)四年级英语下册教案 Unit 3 Is this your skirt? Lesson 3 Teaching aims: Grasp the 4-skilled words: red, yellow, green, blue, white, and the sentence: Is this your T-shirt? No, it isn’t. Understand the content. Let’s chant. Know something about Jeans, T-shirt, Jacket, Tang clothes. Difficulties and importance: Grasp the 4-skilled words: red, yellow, green, blue, white, and the sentence: Is this your T-shirt? No, it isn’t. The words such as: socks, shoes, pants, shorts i..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:0点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2012-02-25 星级:零星级

  • (人教PEP)四年级英语下册教案 Unit 3(15)

    (人教PEP)四年级英语下册教案 Unit 3 Is this your skirt? Lesson 2 Teaching aims: Grasp the new sentences: Is this your skirt? Yes, it is. Is that your T-shirt? No, it isn’t. Whose is it? It’s my T-shirt. Sing the song: My Clothes. Use the new sentences they learnt in the games. Difficulties and importance: Grasp the new sentences: Is this your…? Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t. Pay attention of ’s. Preparation: Picture, tapes, recorders and some old clothes. Steps: Warm-up. Let..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:0点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2012-02-25 星级:零星级

  • (人教PEP)四年级英语下册教案 Unit 3(14)

    (人教PEP)四年级英语下册教案 Unit 3 Is this your skirt? Lesson 1 Teaching aims: Grasp the new phrases: white sweater, green skirt, brown jacket, blue dress, yellow T-shirt and red shirt. Understand the indication and do the corresponding activities: Put on your T-shirt. Take off your jacket. Hang up your skirt. Difficulties and importance: Grasp the six phrases of clothes. Use adj to describe the n. Let’s learn: I like the white sweater with the green skirt. Preparation: Cards, r..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2012-02-25 星级:三星级

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