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  • Lesson15教案

    Unit8 FarewellLesson15Let’s listen to the song <Goodbye, my friends>T: Tell me what grade are you in?S: Grade sixT: Yes you are now in grade six, and you’ll go to a middle school soon. It means you are going to say goodbye to your friends. And do you know “middle school”?(板书middle school并教学,middle中间)T: And Sally will go to a middle school, too. She’ll go back to New York. So Wang Tao and his classmates are going to have a farewell party.T:板书New Yo..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-09-15 星级:一星级

  • (闽教版)六年级英语下册教案 Unit 6 Lesson 12(1)

    Unit6 At a RestaurantLesson 12教学目的与要求:  1. 词汇:继续复习巩固Lesson11中学过的新词。  2. 句型:What about some dumplings? Good idea.  3. 功能:能应用所学句型给建议。  4. 情感:对学生进行文明礼仪的教育。教学难点:  1. 通过学习能很好应用What about …? Good idea.给建议。  2. 能应用本单元所学知识在餐馆点餐。教学准备:  1. 单词卡片:roast beef , roast duck , fish ball soup , salad , dumplings…  2. 多媒体课件教学步骤: 一、复习L11 二、教授新课  1. 自读课文,划出..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-09-15 星级:一星级

  • (闽教版)六年级英语下册教案 Unit 6 Lesson 11(1)

    Unit6 At a RestaurantLesson 11教学目的与要求:知识目标:  1.单词:restaurant,ready,order,roast,beef,potato,soup, salad。  2.句型:Are you ready to order,…..?  Any …..?技能目标:在餐馆点餐。情感目标:懂得关心,孝敬父母。教学重点:学习食物单词restaurant,ready,order,roast,beef,potato,soup, salad,并学如何点餐。教具准备:单词卡片,食物模型,多媒体。教学步骤: 一、warm up 。  1. greetings。  2. chant: 二、Revision  1.教授单词restaurant.  (1)T: There are so ma..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-09-15 星级:一星级

  • (闽教版)六年级英语下册教案 Unit 5 Lesson 10(1)

    Unit 5   Daily SchedulesLesson10Aim of education:Knowledge aim:1.Learn new words: healthy  exercises2.Master the sentence:He loves sports                  Does he ----Yes, he does. No, he doesn’tAbility aim: Can use verds to describe the sports wordEmotion aim:1.Training students through dialogue, the spirit of team cooperation2.Improve Students listening abilityImportant teaching point:1.Wor..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-09-15 星级:一星级

  • Unit 2 Helping Each Other

    Unit 2??Helping Each OtherLesson 3??教材:闽教版《英语》第八册  适用年级:六年级 设计者: 福州市仓山区实验小学 林 聆?一、教材内容及分析本节课是闽教版小学英语第八册教材Unit 2 Lesson3的教学内容。需要一课时。本课主要复习有关学习科目的单词和句型,学生通过课文的学习掌握帮助某人做某事的表达法,教育学生要互相帮助,成为乐于助人的人。课文内容贴近学生现实生活,使学生更容易理解和接受。二、学生情况分析六年级学生已有一定的听说读写的能力,并且求知欲强,好奇心重。根据学生这一特定生心理特点,本教学设计通过..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-09-15 星级:一星级

  • (闽教版)六年级英语下册教案 Unit 2 Lesson 4(3)

    Unit 2 Helping Each Other Lesson 4教学目标:知识目标: 1. 能听懂,会说,会认读 classmate, better , worry, worried, broke, came, help,lesson 等词语.2.能理解并运用句子 I'm worried about....Don't worry, I can help you with ...能力目标: 1.能积极表达自己的情感.2.遇到困难知道相互帮助。情感目标: 能体会互相帮助的乐趣.    教具准备:1.PPT课件.2.单词卡片. 3.奖励贴:乐于助人badge.   教学过程:一、Warming up 1. Free talk. How are you? 师:I had a headache yesterday, but i am much better no..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-09-15 星级:一星级

  • Unit 2 Helping Each Other

    Unit 2??Helping Each OtherLesson 3??教材:闽教版《英语》第八册  适用年级:六年级 设计者: 福州市仓山区实验小学 林 聆?一、教材内容及分析本节课是闽教版小学英语第八册教材Unit 2 Lesson3的教学内容。需要一课时。本课主要复习有关学习科目的单词和句型,学生通过课文的学习掌握帮助某人做某事的表达法,教育学生要互相帮助,成为乐于助人的人。课文内容贴近学生现实生活,使学生更容易理解和接受。二、学生情况分析六年级学生已有一定的听说读写的能力,并且求知欲强,好奇心重。根据学生这一特定生心理特点,本教学设计通过..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-09-15 星级:一星级

  • (闽教版)六年级英语下册教案 Unit 2 Lesson 4(3)

    Unit 2 Helping Each Other Lesson 4教学目标:知识目标: 1. 能听懂,会说,会认读 classmate, better , worry, worried, broke, came, help,lesson 等词语.2.能理解并运用句子 I'm worried about....Don't worry, I can help you with ...能力目标: 1.能积极表达自己的情感.2.遇到困难知道相互帮助。情感目标: 能体会互相帮助的乐趣.    教具准备:1.PPT课件.2.单词卡片. 3.奖励贴:乐于助人badge.   教学过程:一、Warming up 1. Free talk. How are you? 师:I had a headache yesterday, but i am much better no..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:5点

    上传者:admin上传时间:2014-09-15 星级:一星级

  • (闽教版)六年级英语下册教案 Unit 8 Lesson 16

    闽教版六年级英语下册教案 Unit 8 Farewell Lesson16 I.Teaching aims and demands : To demand Ss to hear and speak these words correctly: Remember, three years ago, before. To demand Ss to hear and speak these sentences correctly: We had a good time at her home. Three years age, we spent children’s Day in the park. Last year we went for a spring outing. … II.Teaching materials : tape recorder ; some cards III.Teaching steps : Step 1 Warm-up/ Rev..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:10点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-04 星级:二星级

  • (闽教版)六年级英语下册教案 Unit 8 Lesson 15

    闽教版六年级英语下册教案 Unit 8 Farewell Lesson 15 I.Teaching aims and demands : To demand Ss to hear and speak these words correctly: Middle school, New York, farewell, parent, address To demand Ss to hear and speak these sentences correctly: Let’s invite her parent to the party. Let’s make a year book for our class. II.Teaching materials : tape recorder ; some cards III.Teaching steps : Step 1 Warm-up/ Review Sing a song “ Thank You, Mom...

    类型:教案 需要精品点:10点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-04 星级:二星级

  • (闽教版)六年级英语下册教案 Unit 7 Lesson 14

    闽教版六年级英语下册教案 Unit 7 Dream Jobs Lesson 14 I.Teaching aims and demands : To demand Ss to hear and speak these words correctly: true To demand Ss to hear and speak these sentences correctly: What does he/she do? He/ She is a/an… II.Teaching materials : tape recorder ; some cards III.Teaching steps : Step 1 Warm-up/ Review Sing a song “ Thank You, Mom.” Free talk: Do you love your mother? What’s your mother’s job? What’s your fat..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-04 星级:三星级

  • (闽教版)六年级英语下册教案 Unit 7 Lesson 13

    闽教版六年级英语下册教案 Unit 7 Dream Jobs Lesson 13 I.Teaching aims and demands : To demand Ss to hear and speak these words correctly: Dream, airhostess, cook, hour, different To demand Ss to hear and speak these sentences correctly: She wants to be an airhostess. An airhostess can help people and make the trip nice and happy. II.Teaching materials : tape recorder ; some cards III.Teaching steps : Step 1 Warm-up/ Review Greeting T: whose fa..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:10点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-04 星级:二星级

  • (闽教版)六年级英语下册教案 Unit 6 Lesson 11

    闽教版六年级英语下册教案 Unit 6 At a Restaurant Lesson 11 I.Teaching aims and demands : To demand Ss to hear and speak these words correctly: Restaurant, ready, order, roast, beef, potato, soup, salad. To demand Ss to hear and speak these sentences correctly: Are you ready to order, Sir? Yes. Roast, beef and potatoes. Any soup or vegetables? Any drinks? II.Teaching materials : tape recorder ; some cards III.Teaching steps : Step 1 Warm-up/ R..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-04 星级:三星级

  • (闽教版)六年级英语下册教案 Unit 5 Lesson 10

    闽教版六年级英语下册教案 Unit5 Shopping for Mother’s Day Lesson 10 I.Teaching aims and demands : To demand Ss to hear and speak these words correctly: wife To demand Ss to hear and speak these sentences correctly: I want to buy a dress for my wife. The yellow one is nicer than the blue one. II.Teaching materials : tape recorder ; some cards III.Teaching steps : Step 1 Warm-up/ Review 1.Free talk: What will you do for your mother on Mother’s ..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:10点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-04 星级:二星级

  • (闽教版)六年级英语下册教案 Unit 5 Lesson 9

    闽教版六年级英语下册教案 Unit5 Shopping for Mother’s Day Lesson 9 I.Teaching aims and demands : To demand Ss to hear and speak these words correctly: Dress, shopping center, handbag, watch To demand Ss to hear and speak these sentences correctly: I’ll buy her a handbag. I’ll give her some flowers. II.Teaching materials : tape recorder ; some cards III.Teaching steps : Step 1 Warm-up/ Review 1.Listen and sing the song “ Hickory Dickory Dock..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:10点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-04 星级:二星级

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