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  • (沪教版)牛津英语教案 5B Module2Unit3(4)

    The Fourth Teaching Plan Teaching aims: Basic aims: 1. 用简单的过去时态谈论过去的状态。e.g. There were five in the bed. 2. 学会唱英文歌曲 “Roll over!”。 Education aims: 让学生从歌曲中受到美的熏陶。 Developing aims: 能用较流利的规范的语音语调唱英文歌曲。 Key points: 学会唱英文歌曲 “Roll over!”。 Difficult points: 用较流利的规范的语音语调唱英文歌曲。 Teaching aids: Cassette 5B and a cassette player, etc. Preparation: Bring the student’s furniture cut-outs. Teaching proced..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:10点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-04 星级:二星级

  • (沪教版)牛津英语教案 5B Module2Unit3(1)

    Unit 3 The First Teaching Plan Teaching aims : Basic aims: 1. 能用特殊疑问句Where…? 询问地点。e.g. Where’s Sam? 2. 能用简单的过去式谈论过去的状态。e.g. He was here at ten o’clock. 3. 能用介词短语表示时间。e.g. He was here at eleven o’clock. Education aims: 培养学生热心助人的思想。 Developing aims: 能运用所学的过去式描述日常生活中已发生的事。 Key points: 1. 能用简单的过去式谈论过去的状态。 2. 能用介词短语表示时间。 Difficult points: 能运用所学的过..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-04 星级:三星级

  • (沪教版)牛津英语教案 5B Module2Unit2(1)

    Teaching aims: Basic aims: 1. Using ‘Wh-’ question to find out about object. g. Which aeroplane do you like? 2. Using the simple present tense to express interests, feelings and opinions. e.g. I like all the dolls. 3. Learn the new word: dinosaur Developing aims: 1. Using modelled phrases and sentences to communicate with teachers or other learners. Educational aims: ..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:10点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-04 星级:二星级

  • (沪教版)牛津英语教案 5B Module2Unit1(1)

    Oxford English 5B Module 2 Unit 1 The First Teaching Plan Teaching aims : Basic aims: (1) Using the simple present tense to express simple truths e.g. I work in a zoo. (2) Using imperatives to give instructions. e.g. Open the gates. (3) Using prepositional phrases to indicate time. e.g. At six o’clock, Mr Tang opens the gates. Developing aims: Using the simple present tense to express simple truths Emotional aims : To love study and study hard. Important po..

    类型:教案 需要精品点:20点

    上传者:root上传时间:2012-03-04 星级:三星级

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